Saturday, November 11, 2017

John 13 - "Gracefully Broken"

These words...this song...they continue to be in my heart another day...

Here I am, God...arms wide open...

This is where I live, ready to do whatever He calls me to do. I was writing yesterday for school about how Jesus set the example for us to be servants. In John 13 He washed the disciples feet. There is no better way to show a servant heart than doing such an act. In this Scripture after He washed their feet He went on to tell them He was departing from them. In the process of doing so He gave them a 'new command' in verses thirty-four and thirty-five.

This command had been given in the past so I couldn't understand why it was called a 'new' one. After doing some research I found there were still people not following it. Actually, there were some of His followers not loving as He loved. This can be seen today. His love is unconditional and given freely. Today there are some believers who put conditions on their love. There are some who want something when they give love. His love is one that all need to strive to give yet if one has not given everything to Christ it is not possible to give His love in such a way. There are people who 'talk the talk' yet don't 'walk the walk' with Him. If one desires to live a life totally surrendered to Him, they first must die to self and allow Him full reign. That means giving up on old ways and accepting new commands such as loving with His love. That picture is one of serving others...not just when we want to but at all times. It means loving others in ways not comprehendible to man. It means loving yourself so people will see You are secure enough in Your relationship with Christ that you are not afraid to love unconditionally. 

Will you get hurt? Yes, people are human and not all are ready to accept such love. 
Will you get tired? Yes, the task of loving others takes a lot of time and energy. 
Will you be rewarded? Yes, God will bless you in abundance as you love with His love.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song that is staying in the forefront of my mind. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to love on others with Your love. Thank You for the way You used me yesterday as Your servant. Thank You for answering prayers for my dear friend to have peace as she went to her doctor appointment. Thank You for the time Doc and I had to be together without work or ministry constraints. Father, continue to enable us to adjust to this schedule with no day off. Thank You for showing us how to grasp having a few hours for just us. Today is full of ministry from start to finish. May Your strength be ours as we take on all the opportunities You put before us. Lord, bless our efforts as we love on people with Your love. Cleanse us of anything that would keep Your love out of us. Fill us with more of Your love so people will see us 'walking the walk' and not just 'talking the talk.' Thank You Jesus for being Our Example. Amen.

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