Monday, November 20, 2017

Philippians 4:13 - "Giants Fall"

This morning when I asked the Lord where He wanted me to read, His response was Psalm 151. There are only 150 Psalm so I thought I heard wrong and asked again. His response was, 'Psalm 151.' Just out of curiosity I did an internet search to see what would come up. There is a Psalm 151 in the Common English Bible. It is about David and Goliath. This is Eli's favorite story in the Bible. He asks me to read it all the time. Last night before he went to bed he read it to his Momma. When she told me, my heart melted. I thought about what his little mind (1st grader) must think of that story. I also thought about how I wish that story would have been read to me repeatedly as a child. I faced many 'giants' in life but God gave me the strength to knock them down. My parents had physical issues many times as I was growing up with surgeries, diseases, heart attacks, strokes...the list goes on an on. As a child, sometimes I would wonder why God was causing all of those things to happen. Then I realized it wasn't God but sin of this world that caused them. The neatest part was realizing when they happened God could have stopped them with just a word but He chose to use them to strengthen our faith. That faith in Him was what got our family through the murder of my twenty-one year old sister. It was that faith that got me through being molested and raped as a child. Having such a deep faith made it easy to say 'no' to the idea of an abortion when it showed on the sonogram Ben was going to be born with an open spine. The deep faith of so many people was what brought me back to the Lord when I fell away. The deep faith of my husband and parents was what encouraged me to not give up when I was diagnosed with MS. The move to South Carolina would not have been made without the faith and trust in what the Lord's will was for our lives. Since being here we have had many 'giants' come our way yet we know we are right where God desires us to be. 

Sometimes there are people or circumstances that appear to be 'giants' in our life. When we stop and think about it, there is nothing greater than God. He is all we need. As I think about this concept the only 'giants' in my life are the ones I allow to have such position. When something comes our way that seems too hard to handle, we must remember we do not have to handle anything on our own. God is always with us. His strength is always our strength. All we have to do is have faith and trust Him. In the story of David and Goliath it took only one stone to drop the giant. One stone and that stone was there in the name of Jesus. All we need is one prayer or one cry out to the Lord and our 'giants' will be slain. Woo hoo! One. That is exciting to think about! It is exciting to think about how this story will impact Little Eli's life. He deals with a disorder that makes him have many times with 'giants.' I pray this story will remind Him God is his strength.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this reminder this morning that You are not only greater than the 'giants' that come our way but most important You are the One to take care of them. Father, bless Little Eli as he is drawn to this story. I praise You for brining him and Jimmy into my life. What a blessing my time is with them. I pray for them to be blessed through me. I also pray for all who come in contact with me today to be blessed. I pray for You to ooze out of me in a different, new way. I pray for safety on the roads today along with strength in my physical and mental bodies. Lord, be so real to me today and enable me to not miss any opportunity to be You to others. I pray for a physical touch upon Doc and for Your strength to be His today in a mighty way. Thank You Jesus for being My Giant Slayer. Amen.

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