Friday, November 10, 2017

Galatians 2:19-21 - "Gracefully Broken"

From start to finish yesterday these words were on my heart...

Here I am, God
Arms wide open

Yes! I could not remember any more of the song other than these few words. This morning I looked them up and read...

Pouring out my life
Gracefully broken

I am so blessed in living a life in His presence. He took my brokenness and made something so sweet from it. He loves me even through my failures. He empowers me to do things I could never imagine doing on my own. I love these words from the song...

Your power at work in me
I'm broken gracefully
I'm strong when I am weak
I will be free

There is freedom in surrender. Freedom that compares to nothing else on this earth. The chains are broken to old habits, bad attitudes, 'junk' that pulls one down into the depths of hell, etc. A life of holy living is a life free from bondage. It is a life with no second guessing on whether one is doing the 'right thing' or not. It is a life where His strength enables one to do the impossible. Every day I pray for the Lord to cleanse me of anything that may be between Him and I. I also pray for Him to fill me with more of Him so people will see/hear Him and not me. Dying to self is key to living the life He desires for us. Surrendering everything to Him is a way of life that is full of blessings. It is not just a once in a lifetime event but is a continual process of walking in His glory. 

Take all I have in these hands
And multiply, God, all that I am
And find my heart on the altar again
Set me on fire, set me on fire

The desire of my heart is for the Holy Spirit to 'set me on fire' every day! I don't want to have anything to do with being lukewarm but instead want to be on fire!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song yesterday and again this morning. Cleanse me of anything that would keep the fire low. Pour down Your Holy Spirit in a way over me today where the flames will be mighty. Use me in a different, new way today to show Your love to others. I pray for my friend who is recovering from foot surgery to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to overcome her pain. I pray for the Bond Family who need an infilling of the Holy Spirit to get through these tough days of loss. I also pray for my husband who needs the empowerment of the Holy Spirit over this disease that has taken over his body. Lord, be greater than these circumstances for these ones who need to feel Your love in abundance. Guide me today to where You desire me to be. Give me Your words, actions and most of all attitude to be You to others. Thank You Jesus for being My Fire Setter! Amen.

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