Sunday, December 1, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Beautiful Day"

I was so tired and hurting before going to bed so I had an extended prayer time for pastors in case I didn't wake up. I should have known God had other plans. He woke me three times to pray. The first time was a general prayer for pastors and their congregations. The second time was for pastors and their spouses who were having health issues. The third time was for pastors during this Christmas season. Everyone's calendar becomes over packed during this time of year. The thing a pastor has to deal with is not only their family calendar but also the church calendar. They also have to be prepared for disappointment when people choose to do other things than participate in church activities. Many times shopping, baking, work parties, etc. win out over church activities. People cannot do everything and will choose where their heart is. Pastors cannot take that personally. They also must take it personally when church finances drop off during this time of year. If people are not committed to tithing, their money will go to buy extra groceries, Christmas gifts, etc. Pastors also need to be ready for those who walk in the church just because it is Christmas. Many who do not normally attend or who have quit attending will return for the holiday. We must be ready to love them with Jesus' love and allow Him to work through us to pull them into church. The most important thing for me during this season is to not allow myself to get over tired. When I do, I miss opportunities He puts before me. When I over-do physically, I become an emotional wreck and my mental capabilities are diminished. Yesterday I was thinking about a big project I wondered if I could complete before Christmas. I thought 'if only there were more hours in the day' or 'if only my body didn't hurt' or 'if only I could do that.' God stopped me and said, "Daughter, you do what I desire and that is enough." Wow, God! He knew exactly what I needed to hear! I do not need to stress over anything. All I need to do is live in His presence. He directs me to do what He desires. He puts opportunities before me to love with His love. If I overstretch myself, I will miss such opportunities. I no longer have to live in such chaos but instead can bask in His love, listening to His voice. Woo hoo! Once again, He reminds me to stand in His empowerment instead of fearing not being enough. II Timothy 1:7 is being held close to my heart.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunity to pray for pastors throughout the night! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for the reminder of Your words yesterday that kept me with reality! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me with more of You! May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May You be greater, may You be greater. Father, once again I pray for all pastors but especially those with health issues themselves or in their family. I pray for Doc for strength to not just preach today but to feel Your empowerment over him. I pray for: Steve; Mark; Kim; and my two pastor friends with cancer to also feel Your empowerment. I pray for all pastors during this Christmas season to stay close to You and allow You to direct their lives. I also pray for a pastor friend who is seeking a church to continue to hear Your voice. Lord, I pray for the pastor and church that is feeling spiritual warfare so greatly. May they stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in an intentional way. Lord, be with all churches during this season. I pray all will love with Your love to all who enter in their doors. Thank You Jesus for being My Enough! Amen.

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