Saturday, December 14, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; John 14:1-4 - "Somewhere In Your Silent Night"

Deaths bring on so many emotions but it seems like when there is a death around a holiday the emotions are more intense. Getting a call from a sobbing teen yesterday morning about her friend who was shot and killed brought many tears. I didn't have answers but I had prayers. When one suddenly dies, it seems harder than when you've grieved through a disease of a loved one and they die. You have time to prepare yourself the best you can as you care for them. This morning I think of four services that are today for people who dealt with disease. I am praying for Steve and his family with Peggy's death. She was a godly woman who knew she was going to spend eternity with her Heavenly Father. That gives comfort but there still will be a great hole in their family. I also am praying for Lydia as she goes through her Daddy's service today. She has watched him suffer for many years. It is hard to lose your Daddy but as a teen it is especially hard. I am praying for Mickey with his father's service and Robo's family with his service. So many people have lost loved ones over this last year. This Christmas will be their first without their loved one. The emotions will be raw and there will be days that will be hard to get through. Those who are in relationship with God will have His strength. It's the ones who are not in relationship with Him that I pray for the most. I do not know how people get through life without Him. My heart breaks for those who do not communicate with Him. It breaks for those who do not know the promise of eternity for them or their loved ones. The first few verses of John 14 give great comfort...

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.
Believing in God does not bring our loved ones back but it does give us the strength to carry on when they leave this earth. I stand upon II Timothy 1:7 daily to live as He desires of me in His love and empowerment. He has called me to love with His love and I strive to walk in obedience to Him. Even though it's been six years since my Daddy left this earth the emotions are still raw at times. I miss him greatly. Some days the tears fall quickly when I think of Him. Would I want him back on this earth? Not with the cancer in his body. He had suffered a long time but is now healed in Jesus' name! Our last Christmas with him was hard as we gathered for a meal at the church and then went to the house to celebrate with him family by family. We knew it was our last with him so we made as many memories as we could. We were blessed with that time. My heart is breaking this morning with the Momma of the 17 year old that was killed yesterday. She had no time to prepare herself. The families of the officers that have been killed over the last few weeks had no time to prepare. I think of June and her family with Karl's accident. They had no time other than the few days after the accident before he died. Many have no time to prepare themselves for the loss of a loved one yet we all have time to prepare ourselves for eternity. When we accept Jesus in our heart, we are preparing ourselves for not only life on this earth but for eternal life. We need to all live like it is our last day on this earth. We need to not put off doing what God asks of us but instead live out the desires of His heart for us daily. We should not put off what we can do today. When I was diagnosed with MS, I learned I cannot do everything, everyone wants me to do. God stopped me in my tracks to open my eyes to seeing what I do needs to be done in His strength. Over the last few years my eyes have been opened more to seeing the desires of His heart are what I need to strive to do. When I love with His love, He will empower me to do His will. He will open doors to new adventures I would never imagined. Moving to South Carolina and living so close to the water was a dream but now it is a reality. It seems like I rarely get to the beach any more but every day I leave the house I pass over water. Every time I go to town I cross a bridge or two. God blesses me in abundance with the beauty of nature. I don't know how long I will be in this place but as long as I am I will praise God for where He has me. I praise Him for every day He loves on me by giving me opportunities to love on others with His love.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Father, I beg You to give Doc a better day physically and emotionally. I pray for a healing in him to happen sooner than later while on this earth. I pray against the side effects of the chemo. Lord, may You work a miracle in him. Father, I pray for Steve, Lydia, Mickey, Robo and their families as they go through services today for their loved ones. I pray continued strength for June and Angie who had services this week for loved ones. I also pray for the mother of the 17 year old who was killed yesterday. I pray Your peace to be over each one. Lord, be with Jim, Renee, Shirley, Peggy, and Pattie who are going through their first Christmas without their spouse. Father, I know there are many more who need to feel Your strength through the holidays with the loss of loved ones. May You be a comfort to all but most of all may You be real to all so they will be in relationship with You. Thank You Jesus for being My Comfort! Amen.

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