Sunday, December 8, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Confidence"

Last night the Lord only woke me once to pray and it was a 'usual' Saturday night with praying for pastors. He had me pray for pastors in general with just a couple specific situations. Before going to bed I prayed for my pastor who had such a horrible day yesterday. I prayed for Doc's healing to be sooner than later on this earth; wisdom for him; and that he could preach today and feel like participating by riding in the Christmas parade. Sometimes I feel like my prayers for him are selfish because I want him with me doing ministry as it was before the cancer came into our lives. But the Lord knows the desires of my heart and I feel like my 'selfish' prayers are ok. God also had me praying for Steve as Peggy is in her last moments on this earth and for a pastor friend whose marriage is crumbling. He had me pray for all pastors who will be going into the pulpit today to realize He is in control. There are many pastors who try to put on a superman/superwoman cape and do ministry in their own strength instead of being empowered by His strength. There are many pastors who have allowed people to direct their path instead of the Lord. I was reminded of two verses. II Timothy 1:7 tells us God wants to empower us to love with His love and in His strength and Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us the way to live is by allowing God to direct our path by trusting Him. Both of these verses take a great amount of trust and faith to live out. Both of them show us that life should not be done on our own but with Him. Too many times we get caught up in the calendar or checkbook activities and forget He is the One we need to seek for wisdom. He is the One we need to seek for every aspect of life on this earth if we truly want to live with Him for eternity. We cannot wait until 'tomorrow' to change our ways. We must walk with Him daily. It takes saying 'yes' to Him every day of our life. We must ask for a cleansing in our spirit every morning so He can fill us with more of His Spirit. That is the only true way to live life. This morning I am praying for more people, especially pastors, to come to the end of themselves and allow God to be who He desires to be in their life. I am praying more people will stand upon II Timothy 1:7 and Proverbs 3:5-6. I am praying today will be a day of eternal change for many.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way You comforted us yesterday as we dealt with the after effects of chemo! Thank You for being so close! Thank You for giving me the privilege to pray multiple times throughout the day and night for my pastor/husband Doc! Father, I can't imagine what life would be if You were not with us. I pray for my pastor friend whose marriage is crumbling to have Your strength as they go into the pulpit this morning. I pray for Your wisdom as they make decisions that will effect their children and ministry. Lord, my prayers continue for Steve as Peggy nears her last breathe on this earth. May You continue to be his strength. Last night and again this morning You have me praying for all but especially pastors to get to the end of themselves and allow You to be in control of their lives. I pray for more to say 'yes' to You and ask for cleansing in their spirits. I pray for a cleansing in my spirit as I start this day. May You cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May Your love ooze out of me in a new, different way today. Father, I know some of my prayers may seem selfish to some but I miss my husband doing ministry with me. I miss having 'normal' times with him. Lord, I don't want to have our life as we our living right now to be our 'normal' and I pray for His healing on this earth to be sooner than later. Thank You Jesus for being My Confidence! Amen.

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