Friday, December 20, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:13 - "Your Love Defends Me"

Change is something most humans do not embrace well. In fact, sometimes we go 'kicking and screaming' when we have to change. This morning when my laptop wouldn't turn on my first thought was boy whatever God is going to give me this morning must be something the enemy doesn't want anyone to read. My second thought was I sure hope whatever is wrong with it is something Doc can fix. And here I am now using his laptop. It's not something I enjoy doing because it is so different. It is a change for me. It is challenging and not something I 'needed' in my day. How many times do things get in our way? How many times are the things that get in our way put there by the enemy or put there by the Lord? How many of the things that detour our day are little and how many are big? No matter what they are, we do not have to fear but instead can live in His strength. We do not have to fret over the 'what ifs' of situations but instead bask in His presence and allow Him to work in and through us. II Timothy 1:7 tells us that God did not create us to be afraid but instead created us to stand in His empowerment every day of our life. He did not create us to 'go back to bed and cover up our head' when the 'tough' days come. He created us to lean into Him on such days and know His strength is ours. These last few days have seemed to be tougher than our new 'normal' with me being fatigued and frustrated. It seems like frustration kicks in with MS fatigue. I have felt like I couldn't continue doing what was on the calendar so I had to remove some things and rearrange some other things. I am grateful God has muzzled my mouth a few times when I normally would say things that did not glorify Him. I also am grateful for His rest in my spirit. He continues to remind me that He created me to stand upon II Timothy 1:7. The reminder of Philippians 4:13 is also close to my thoughts. The important thing for me to remember with both of these Scriptures is that in order to live with His strength in the fullest capacity I must live with Him in me to the fullest capacity. That means I must live in His presence. I must live with His love ready to ooze out of me at all time. Woo hoo! Today is a new day. I know what is on the schedule but I don't know what all He has in store for me. I pray I do not miss any opportunity He puts before me. I want to make Him so proud of me today in the way His love oozes out of me. I pray for more believers to get to the point in their life where He does this. I pray for those who have not accepted Him into their heart to do so. There are so many hurting people in the world today. God does not take away all of the 'junk' this world puts on us. Instead He uses it to grow our faith and increase our trust in Him. What He does do is love us through the 'tough' days with an unconditional love that even when we don't do what He desires He still loves us. Oh how I pray for more people to realize such love.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for the way You unconditionally love me! Thank You for the promises I find in II Timothy 1:7 and Philippians 4:13! Thank You for answering my prayers with Doc having an 'ok' day yesterday; Emma and Dale being discharged from the hospital; and Dean showing signs of improvement. Father, I pray comfort for the families of the teens killed in the last week as they go through services. I pray Your strength for them along with all their friends and family. I also pray for those who need to feel Your strength with this holiday season as they go through it without loved ones. Some are for the first time and others it has been years. No matter what the time, it is hard to experience. I pray for those who are alone to have someone be with them that will show Your love to them. Lord, I also pray Doc can get my laptop fixed. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of Your love. I pray I do not miss any opportunity You have for me today. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. Thank You Jesus for being My Fullest Capacity! Amen.

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