Sunday, December 15, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "The Answer"

Throughout the day yesterday I prayed for Steve who had Peggy's memorial service which he spoke at. Yesterday evening when I found our Patty's husband died I prayed for her. Both of them are pastors who have loved their spouses with Jesus' love through illnesses. Throughout the night when I was awake I prayed for Pastor Tom from Hillsboro, Ohio. A man who had murdered a lady and taken a child broke into their church and committed suicide after a stand-off with police. The actions of one man affect lives of many. The family of the woman who was killed; the child who thankfully was found ok; the man who did the horrible acts; the police who worked the call; the pastor and people of the church where services are cancelled for today...the list goes on and on. In a mess such as this, there is only one answer and that is God. When there are no answers for the 'whys?' on this earth, God is the Answer. He is the One who can give peace in chaos. He is the One who will give wisdom when making 'tough' decisions. He is the One to love us through 'tough' times. God desires to be the strength and empowerment all pastors have when they go into the pulpit this morning. He desires to be heard instead of the pastor as the words flow from their mouths. Many pastors will have opportunity to speak today to ones who are not normally in church. The Christmas season brings people out who do not normally attend. Some churches will be filled today due to a children's program. I remember one such Sunday when I saw a young couple in the audience at our program. I made sure to get to them afterward to introduce myself and ask who they were there to see in the program. They did not know one person there. They were on their way to another church to see a program and the family called telling them they were sick just as they were passing our church so they came in. That couple became great leaders in the church working with all ages over the years. That is why it is so important for visitors to feel loved. I pray for pastors to realize this and to make strides to have people in place to talk to visitors, give them church information if appropriate, etc. I pray for pastors themselves to make personal contact with visitors if not that day at least in the first few days after their visit. Letters are fine but personal contact makes a world of difference. I also prayed during the night for my pastor who has had some tough days since chemo this week. I prayed he not only would feel better and be able to preach but he would be healed sooner than later while on this earth. I prayed for him to remember God desires all of us to live out II Timothy 1:7. I prayed for all pastors to realize the importance of this verse in their lives. We do not have to fear anything but instead live out His empowerment through His love so we can love on others as He desires. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the opportunity to pray for pastors throughout the night! Thank You for the way You are going to answer my prayers! Thank You for being with Steve and Patricia yesterday with the loss of their spouses! Father, I pray for the wife of the 87 year old Pastor from Georgia who while holding her hand and praying after their Hanging of the Greens service Sunday took his last breath on this earth. They did life together for over sixty years and today will be her first Sunday without him. I pray Your comfort for her. Lord, there seems to be so many deaths of late. This season of the year is busy for pastors and when you throw in a funeral or two in the mix life can become more chaotic. I pray for Your peace over all pastors but especially over Brad who had two services yesterday. I pray Your peace over my pastor, Doc, who I pray will have a 'normal' day today. I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day in a new, different way. I pray more pastors will desire to live this type of life with You. Thank You Jesus for being My Answer! Amen.

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