Sunday, December 22, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Blessings"

I love to pray for pastors. God laid it on my heart many years ago to do so. I think He did so to encourage my spirit. He knew He was going to call me into ministry and when He did I would realize there would be people praying for me. Personally, I love when people tell me they are praying for me. When people tell me they are praying for me as a pastor, it is a special joy.It reiterates that I am not alone in this life. There are times that as a pastor one can feel all alone. When life in the ministry becomes overwhelming, it can be tough. When the enemy keeps throwing darts, one can feel like they have no choice but to give into him. But that is never the right choice. We all must stand up against the enemy and not allow Him to have His way in our lives. We must start everyday by putting on the full armor of God so we are ready for whatever comes our way. It is then, and only then, we can stand in His empowerment we are told of in II Timothy 1:7. God did not make us to live as wimps. It takes strength to live in His empowerment. It takes loving with His love and allowing His Holy Spirit to work in and through us. Some pastors have yet to learn this way of life. How can they expect their people to live as the Lord desires if they don't themselves? It is impossible. Nothing is impossible with God. That is a concept many pastors need to grasp and live by. Today is a day where many churches will be filled more so than ever before. It is a day where people will come to see family in programs. It is a day where people will go to church 'because they are suppose to on Christmas.' It is a day of great potential for changes in lives. God is giving us opportunities to do so. Now all we have to do is be ready and willing to allow Him to not only put opportunities before us but to grasp those opportunities and turn them into blessings. Oh how I pray for pastors to do just that. I pray for myself to do just that.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for getting Doc through yesterday! I pray he will feel better today and be able to function more normally than yesterday. I pray for myself as I preach today to not only be filled by Your Holy Spirit but for Your love to ooze out of me in a new, different way! I pray for Your words, actions, and attitude to be mine today! Cleanse me so You can fill me so this will be so. Lord, be with the family whose newly adopted little guy died just days after they adopted him. I pray for Your comfort as they travel home. I also pray for Pastor Craig Wrench as he is moved back home to the states. I pray You will continue to preform miracles in his life. Lord, may You continue to guide us all on this journey of life, especially those in ministry. Thank You for being My Heavenly Father! Amen.

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