Monday, December 16, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Luke 18:16 - "O Come All Ye Faithful"

Yesterday was full of blessings from start to finish. On the way to church Doc told me he wanted me to stay in with the children during his sermon. My mind went all over the place. 'What?!?!? You are just telling me now?!?!? My lesson is not conducive to this!' I'm sure thankful God kept my mouth shut and none of those thoughts came out of my mouth! As we were leaving for church God told me to get some stickers and extra paper. Boy am I glad I listened because that is what saved me. We had four children yesterday which was amazing. Two of them are 'easy' and will color quietly; one is a special needs little guy with no verbal skills other than yelling/whining; and the fourth is a two or three year old little girl who has only been to church a couple times. I had two of them with me leading worship and then three of them sang an impromptu song for offering. After I did a blessing over them I explained we were going to sit up front while Pastor Doc preached. Everyone was in agreement and soon they were gathered around me sitting on the floor with crayons, papers, stickers, and paper ornaments to color. While the other three worked on their projects our special needs guy climbed up on my lap and I quietly sang to him. His yelling stopped and I could feel him melt in my arms. He stayed there for most of the time and the others quietly worked on their projects. Why I ever doubted God that it would work was beyond me. I felt so blessed. At the same time this was going on I realized my husband was standing up preaching. Wow, God! He has not stood to preach in months! After him being in bed since his treatment Wednesday this was a miracle in itself! It also was a miracle that I was able to get everything accomplished for yesterday's Open House. Another miracle was Doc being able to participate in the Open House after resting between church and people coming. We had thirty-six friends celebrate life with us in our home. Some were from church and some were neighbors. I love bringing our two worlds together. What a blessing when I saw Betty bringing in our ninety-six year old neighbor Grammy. She doesn't get out much anymore but she sure enjoyed the party. Krista helping me get last minute things accomplished; Jim coming to my rescue with toothpicks; Kathy and Roger bringing crab dip/crackers; Pastor Brenda bringing fruit and a cake; Tiffany helping during the party...all of these things were blessings. The support we get from our neighbors is overwhelming at times and once again is such a blessing. I always try to invite new neighbors to the Open House so they can meet others. Yesterday our new neighbor Bob came and had a great time meeting others. Will and Sandy who recently moved from West Virginia came and met new people. I love to connect people together. When we are connected, we can share God's love in different ways. We can live life with one another on a different level. When I climbed into bed last night, I was so tired but I felt so blessed. God reminded me that the reason He can accomplish what He does in me is because I stand upon II Timothy 1:7. I do not fear the unknown but instead allow Him to work in and through me. I strive to walk in obedience to Him. I not only hear His voice but I desire to fulfill the desires of His heart.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for giving Doc Your supernatural strength yesterday! I pray he will have a 'good' day today and feel Your strength. Thank You for the way You orchestrated yesterday's service with the children! Thank You for Your words from Luke 18:16: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Thank You for the words spoken over us by Pastor Brenda yesterday! May You bless her ministry in abundance and continue to guide her and Jeff. Thank You for all our friends who came to our Open House. I love bringing our two worlds together. Thank You for the words of encouragement by many but especially by our neighbor Bill. Father, You are so, so good to us. I pray we make You proud in the way we live out life on this earth. I so look forward to living life with You in heaven. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me today overflowing with Your love. May all who I come in contact with see/hear You instead of me. Thank You Jesus for being The One To Bless Me! Amen.

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