Friday, December 27, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Happy Birthday Jesus"

I will never tire of hearing "Grandma Sheila!" Spending time with Ben's family twice in three months has spoiled me to pieces! Hearing "Grandma Sheila, you give the best gifts!" every year warms my heart. They are definitely not the most expensive gifts nor are there lots but they are given from the heart. In October when I asked them what they wanted for Christmas, I listened and shopped accordingly. Seeing the look on their faces as they pulled out the items in their stockings was priceless. They know the drill because the three oldest ones returned their stocking to me right away. They know they will be filled again next year! Watching them eat their 'ham balls' is also such fun. They do love to eat. It was so funny yesterday after we sang 'Happy Birthday' to their Daddy and he pretended he was going to eat the whole cheesecake. I thought Mr. Beckett was going to bust. Needless to say, everyone had a piece. Singing "Happy Birthday Jesus" with Miss Evelyn and Miss Annabel was another special treat. Making their ornaments for our tree was so much fun. Seeing them gather around Doc to watch funny videos was priceless. There were so many memories made that filled my tank. I will reflect back on them over the coming months and feel so blessed. When we were leaving, Mr. Beckett said something about we won't see you until next year and my heart broke. I need more trips in my future to see them. I just need to figure out a way to make some extra money to make those trips happen. There are many things on my prayer list for the coming year. I am praying for restoration in Doc's health; more time with family; a deeper walk with the Lord; and healing in some emotional hurts in my life. I will continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 knowing He will empower me to not just get through whatever 2020 has in store for me but for Him to be glorified through them.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You seems so inadequate for the way I feel about yesterday! You blessed me in abundance with Ben's family! Thank You for loving me so greatly that You answer prayers! Thank You for giving me breath today! Thank You for giving Doc more strength! Thank You for the blessings ahead in this day as we gather with Paul's family and then Doc's family. Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You! Thank You for being my words, actions, and attitude throughout the day that is ahead! Thank You for my time with my friend June yesterday morning as we talked and prayed together! Thank You for our visit with Melanie last night. I pray You will go before her as she continues to interview and open the right door for her new position. May You continue to be both of these dear lady's strength. I also pray for another friend who asked prayer for the day ahead. Thank You Father for being My Gift and Gift Giver! Amen!

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