Tuesday, December 17, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Revelation 21:23; Isaiah 60:19-20; Romans 8:14-16 - "Alive in Me"

I was thinking last night about a question a six year old boy asked me Sunday morning. As soon as he walked in the door he came running up the aisle with a hug for me and a question. "Ms. Sheila, why is heaven always light?" I can remember a day where I would have said, "Mr. Bradley, that is a Pastor Doc question. You will have to ask him." But that was not my response. I said, "Mr. Bradley, heaven is always light because God is light. His presence is there so it never gets dark." This boy's questions go deep and sometimes the answers given are not enough but thankfully this one was. He is struggling with the concept of the Trinity. Sometimes he will say things like 'Jesus did this or that' and then ask me if it was Jesus or God. He is one smart cookie and I am blessed to be in his life. I'm not sure what he was told or read that prompted this question. If he were an adult, he might have followed up with something about it getting dark here but we are told to live in God's presence. I was thinking about as we live in His presence we live in His figurative light. Maybe Mr. Bradley had heard about Revelation 21:23 where the new Jerusalem is described. In The Passion Translation it reads: The city has no need for the sun or moon to shine, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb. This Scripture is referenced to Isaiah 60:19-20 where God is called our unfailing light...everlasting light...glory! In verse twenty it speaks about your days of sadness will be over! We do not have to live in sin. Jesus' death on the cross took care of our sins. As we allow Him complete access of our live, His Holy Spirit will fill us up to overflowing with His love so He can ooze out of us. I love Paul's words in Romans 8:14-16:

14 The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. 15 And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” 16 For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!” 
Woo hoo! I am His beloved! I love living a life where I am led by the Spirit. Every day is a new day with new adventures. Every opportunity put before me is one I do not want to miss. I never want to get back to the place where I do not hear His voice. I am grateful for the knowledge that as I live for Him on this earth, I will live with Him in heaven. I am grateful the Lord encourages me to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 throughout every day.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love that showers me with 'God moments' such as Mr. Bradley's question! Thank You for Your Word that answers our questions! Thank You for the way You use Your Word to take us deeper in our knowledge of You! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit. Use me today to be a beacon of light to all I meet. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. Father, I am physically, mentally, and emotionally tired. I need Your strength in a mighty way. I don't want to just get through this day but I desire for You to be glorified through it. I come to You once again begging for healing in Doc's body sooner than later while on this earth. The 'tough' days seem to be more often than not. Father, if there is something we need to learn and are missing, I pray for revelation. Most of all I pray for Your presence to be so real to us today along with others who are struggling. There are so many on my prayer list that need healing in their physical and emotional bodies but Father most of all I am praying for those who need healing in their spiritual bodies. I pray You will put people before them who will be You to them and show them the Way. Thank You Jesus for being My Light! Amen.

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