Saturday, December 21, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Joshua 24:15 - "As For Me and My House"

Last night hearing one of the teen boys call our home 'cozy' made me laugh. It just seemed like a 'strange' comment coming from a teen boy. I thought about how I pray for people to feel God's love when they come into our home and realized that's one way 'cozy' can be described. When I think of the word 'cozy', I think about feeling comfortable. Sometimes small places are called 'cozy' and our home sure isn't very big but it's big enough! When I think of 'cozy' I am reminded of having a warm, fuzzy feeling in my spirit. The way I get that is to live in God's presence. So, yes, our home can be considered 'cozy' with God's love oozing out of all the walls. We strive to have godly things watched on the TV, godly music playing, etc. Many hours of prayer are spent daily in our home. There is a methuselah on the front door and a Hebrew blessing hanging by the back door. There is Scripture on the walls and He is proclaimed out of our mouths. We stand upon Joshua 24:15b, As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. In the NET Bible the word 'worship' is used in place of 'serve.' I like that! As I worship Him, I am showing Him love. My 24/7 worship shows Him I love Him all the time not just when it is convenient for me or when I have time for Him. He is the One to bless me with time. He is the One who gives me breath each day to be able to live for Him in the way He desires. I do not have to fear not being good enough for Him. I do not have to fear messing up in my efforts. I do not have to fear what others will think about me. All I have to do is stand upon II Timothy 1:7 and be empowered by Him. As I allow Him to be in control over my life, He will bless me in abundance with more of His love. My home may not be the largest or the most well decorated but that is not what matters. It may not be the tidiest or have the freshest paint but what it does have is His love filling it up to overflowing so it is one of the coziest homes around! 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the fun time last night with the teens! Thank You for giving Doc strength to participate! Thank You for my friend Amy taking me out to breakfast yesterday and my time with my friend Marion! Thank You for the day ahead where I don't have to leave my home for anything! Thank You for Mordecei seeming to feel better! Thank You for easing my pain so I could go back to sleep for a couple more hours! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for the opportunities ahead in this day for Your love to ooze out of me! Father, for that to happen I need You to cleanse my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May Your words, actions, and attitude flow from me today in a new, different way! Thank You for being The One I Serve! Amen.

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