Sunday, September 29, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Resurrection Power"

The Lord woke me two times during the night to pray for pastors. I am so blessed with Saturday night prayers for men and women who are called into ministry. Last night He had me pray for pastors who are...
  • dealing with hubby and two other pastor friends
  • in a building program...once again my hubby falls into this category
  • living with a spouse with hubby, Scott, Steve, and a friend
  • struggling in their marriage and/or family issues
  • struggling with church finances
  • not in the pulpit or who have just started in a new church
  • dealing with intense situations within their church body
  • seeking God's will to move to a different church or ministry
As I prayed, the Lord had me pray for more pastors to get to the end of themselves and realize He is the One in control. He brought to my mind the words to Resurrection Power.

Now I have resurrection power
Living on the inside
Jesus, You have given us freedom
No longer bound by sin and darkness
Living in the light of Your goodness
You have given us freedom

That I'm dressed in Your royalty
Your Holy Spirit lives in me
And I see my past has been redeemed
The new has come

There is such freedom in living in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. II Timothy 1:7 tells us we cannot live in fear but instead we need to live in His power, love, and self-control. It is easy as a human being to make life the way 'we' want it. It is easy to make decisions based on our desires. But that type of living may lead us to hell. If we want to live for eternity with the Lord, we must live in His presence while on this earth. I use to think this was not an easy way of life but it truly is. There is no longer a need to worry over things. Instead when the Lord is in control there is freedom in knowing no matter what happens, He is there taking care of things. No matter what the outcome of such things as medical testing He already knows the answer. Woo hoo! There is no need to worry about how bills will be paid because He will provide. Not only will He provide what is needed but He gives wisdom on how to use what He gives. The more we seek Him, the more we will receive freedom from Him. Woo hoo! There is no better place to live than in His presence. There is no better way to live than His will. Woo hoo! Oh how I pray for more people, especially pastors, to begin this way of living. We must remember people are watching how we live. I do not want to be responsible for anyone going to hell. Therefore, I must be living a life worthy of heaven.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for a night of praying for pastors! Thank You for the privilege to pray for men and women who have answered the call to ministry! Father, I pray for my pastor to be filled with more of You. I pray for Doc to have more of Your wisdom and love flowing from Him. I continue to pray for a healing in his body not only from 'C' but also from all of the aches and pains he has right now. May You speak boldly through him and others who will be sharing Your Word this morning. Father, cleanse us so You can fill us. May You flow greatly from us through our words, actions, and attitude. May Your love be known through us in a new, different way. May more people come into a life filled with You today. I pray for all I prayed for during the night...Doc, Scott, Steve, and many others. Thank You Jesus for being Our Resurrection Power! Amen.

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