Saturday, September 21, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Hard Love"

Last night I dreamt about a couple for many years I have prayed for. It seems like they have struggled in their marriage from day one. In my dream, they finally seemed content in finding a happy medium where both realized if they were going to live a blessed life they were going to have to put God first instead of their own wants and desires. I would love to see this dream come true. When we take our marriage vows, we need to realize the only way life is going to work is for three to be involved. God, husband, and wife. The order needs to be that too. God must come first in all decisions. He must come first no matter what. When a couple lives in such a manner, they will realize life is not about them but Him. I'm so grateful to have such a marriage. It does not mean we always see eye-to-eye but it does mean God directs all decisions made. Monday will be our thirtieth anniversary. Woo hoo! I'm grateful for the way God leads us. I also am grateful for every day we have together. My breast cancer diagnosis three years ago and Doc's pancreatic cancer four months ago makes us appreciate life in a different way than most. No one knows when our time on this earth will be over but when you have 'C' in your life it brings reality into play a little bit more. We love to celebrate! For our twenty-fifth anniversary we did '25 things to do before our 25th'! We had so much fun! Some took some money like our cruise while others things were free like watching a sunset. The important thing was we were together celebrating us and thanking God for one another. Last fall we began '30 things to do before our 30th' but Doc's diagnosis got in the way of completing many things. We decided we were going to change it to '30 things to do for our 30th' since we need to extend it past our anniversary. We are going to be intentional in getting our thirty things accomplished. We know it will take some work with everything going on with his health but we also know we are making precious memories. No one is guaranteed life but we know God is in control of this situation and will bless us through it. We cannot live in fear but instead must continue to live a II Timothy 1:7 type of life. God did not make us to live in fear but instead He made us to live in His love and empowerment. I am determined to be the person He has called me to be, even in these tough times. I pray the same for Doc.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for our dear friends Ron and Elizabeth who took us out last night to celebrate us! Thank You for my husband! Thank You for the way You are the Center of our marriage! Thank You for directing our path every day! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me today with more of You! I pray for You to ooze out of me in a new, different way today. I pray You will be so close to Doc today. May He realize Your empowerment today in a mighty way. I continue to pray for a healing for him. I pray You will show through his life in a glorious way today. Father, be with couples who are struggling in their marriage. I pray they will put You first. I also pray for couples who are preparing for marriage to put You first. Thank You Jesus for being Our Center! Amen.

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