Thursday, September 5, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 2 - "Worn"

Psalm 2 is interesting to read. It begins with the nations speaking, followed by God speaking, then Jesus speaking, and finally the Holy Spirit speaking. This world is full of people against God. There are many who pretend to be living for Him yet are blatantly not. The thing such people need to realize is God always wins. The enemy may win for a short period of time but God wins in the end. If people do not live for Him, they will not spend eternity with Him. Jesus speaks of God's "unlimited authority" over those who do not live for Him. He describes God as "cursing their rebellion as an iron rod smashes jars of clay!" (verse 9). Judgement will come for all of us. We will all answer for our words, actions, and attitude. I do not want to hear an account of wrongs when my time comes. I desire to live for Him as He desires. I strive to do this every day but know I am not perfect. Therefore, I ask Him to cleanse me each day so He can fill me with more of Him. Then, and only then, will I be empowered to live as He desires. II Timothy 1:7 empowers me to live in His love. It empowers me to not fear but to stand in His strength no matter what comes my way. As a human, I get worn but in my spiritual being I am strong. The enemy loves to find our vulnerable places and attack them. I think of the words of a song Tenth Avenue North sings called Worn. I don't ever want to get to the point where...

My prayers are wearing thin
Yeah, I’m worn
Even before the day begins
Yeah, I’m worn
I’ve lost m y will to fight
I’m worn
So, heaven come and flood my eyes

The only way to not get to this point in life is to live in His presence. It does not mean there won't be times of feeling worn but it means His strength will empower us through such days. He stretches our faith through 'tough' days. He loves us so much that He stays right with us through such days. His strength is our strength. His wisdom becomes our wisdom. He allows the tears to fall when life becomes 'tough' but He uses those tears to cleanse us. Some days lately have seemed to be more than I can handle. And they are. God is the One handling them. I am just along for the ride to be used in whatever manner He chooses. I must stay strong in my faith. I must allow Him to empower me through 'tough' times. I cannot allow the enemy any point of entry in my life. Instead I must be intentional in living in God's presence. People cannot tear me down. Health issues in myself or Doc cannot tear me down. Not getting things accomplished I think I need to cannot tear me down. All I have to do is be still and allow God to work in and through me. He amazes me in the way He is empowering me to live this life physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and most of all spiritually. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the encouragement from Your Word this morning! Thank You for empowering me to be the person You have called me to be! Thank You for cleansing me this morning so You can fill me with more of You! Father, I continue to pray for a healing in Doc's body. I pray for the pain in his foot to be gone. I also pray for my Momma with her broken arm. I pray for open doors for her with getting care. Lord, I also continue to pray for those effected by Hurricane Dorian and ask for protection over our home. Lord, may You be my words, actions, and attitude today in a new, different way. May I be more intentional in loving with Your love throughout this day. Thank You Jesus for being My Intentionality! Amen.

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