Friday, September 27, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Build My Life"

I woke up this morning with the words too Build My Life going through my mind. This song reminds me of my purpose on this earth and how to fulfill it. 

And I will build my life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in You alone and I will not be shaken
And I will build my life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in You alone and I will not be shaken...

Yes! The more we build our lives on the foundation of Christ, the more He will empower us to be like Him. The more we lean into Him, the more He will fill us with His love. Being Him to others and loving on them with His love is exactly what He desires of us. As we live in this manner, He will be blessed and will bless us. This type of life is a what I call a II Timothy 1:7 type of life. Until a few months ago, I thought this Scripture was about not fearing anything. Then the Lord revealed to me it goes deeper. He empowers us with the Holy Spirit to not only trust Him instead of fearing and love with His love but also to live a life of holiness. The enemy tries to tear us down but when we live a II Timothy 1:7 life he can't take us down. He can't win. God always wins. The song continues...

Holy, there is no one like You, there is none beside You
Open up my eyes in wonder and
Show me who You are and fill me with Your heart
And lead me in Your love to those around me

Yes! God wants us to live like Him. He desires His love to pour out of us and will fill us with His love as we allow Him to. Woo hoo! All it takes is us dying to self so He can have control. He desires to be our words, actions, and attitude every day. We need to desire the same. When we do, His love will flow out of us a in a new, different way. His love will shine brightly through us. The more we trust Him, the more His love will take over in our life. Woo hoo! That is exactly what I desire. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being the One I trust! Thank You for going before us today as we travel to the doctor in Charleston! Thank You for giving us what we need as we hear what he says! No matter what that is, I know You are with us. Father, cleanse us so You can fill us. I pray You will shine brightly through us today! Lord, give Doc strength in every aspect of his life. May You be greater than 'C' today for him. I pray the same for Mike, Dale, Rita, my two pastor friends, Rebecca's neighbor, Rickki's sister-in-law, and so many others. I pray for comfort for those who lost loved ones this week: Renee, Debbie, Rae Lynne, Z's family, Dorothy, the family of the two month old, and the family who lost three teens in a car accident. I pray for wisdom for those making decisions and peace as they make the decisions with You. I pray for strength for those caring for loved ones. Father, most of all I pray You will be the foundation for more people's lives. Thank You Father for being My Foundation! Amen.

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