Saturday, December 8, 2018

Isaiah 9:6 - "Where You Are (Son of God)"

Yesterday I heard this song about how Christmas can be so hard when one is missing someone who has passed. "Where You Are (Son of God)" tells how people feel when their loved one has passed. Tears flow as memories are remembered. There is hope and joy in knowing their loved one is with the Lord but what about those who don't have such assurance? How do they get through the tough days? What about those who are not in relationship with God yet their loved one was? What goes through their mind? This past year was full of deaths of people I knew. There were times there would be two or three in the same week. A lot of times we think people only die when they have lived a full life. But that is not always true. Yesterday a young mother of two lost her life in a senseless accident. Her boys are young and will experience their first Christmas without her. Not too long ago there was a young boy, I believe he was in second grade, from my hometown that died. His family will not have him with them to put up his stocking this year. I have heard stories of families of ones who passed finding Christmas presents that had been bought ahead of time. I have also heard where Christmas was celebrated early when it did not appear as if their loved one would be able to celebrate Christmas. I remember my Daddy's last Christmas. We took our food to the church and ate together as a family. After we ate, as families we went to the house and had Christmas with him. He was weak and tired easily so there couldn't be much time spent with him but we all had our 'last Christmas' with him. As the song goes...

It gives me hope and joy as I remember where you are.
You're with the Son of God
You're with the Prince of Peace
You're with the One we're celebrating
And that thought amazes me.
Sometimes I still break down
grieving that we're apart
But the sweatest gift is knowing where you are
'cus you're with the Son of God.

Yes! It is comforting to know my Daddy is with Jesus. He had suffered a long time with the cancer in his body. It is hard to believe he has been gone from this earth five years. Oh how I miss him. I am grateful I had him for as long as I did. I think about Jeremy's family who lost him so early in life. My heart breaks for them just as it does for this young mother that was killed yesterday. She was only three years older than my sister was when she was murdered. Such senseless deaths to us in this world yet God knows the big picture. Perhaps He was protecting them from something ahead in their life. We may never know but we can know Him. When we do, we will receive His comfort in a great way. My heart goes out to Peggy and her family as they have their first Christmas without Mike. It goes out to Jane's family too. So, so many who have lost their battles on this earth but have gained life with the Lord. They are celebrating in heaven. We need to celebrate here on earth.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love being greater during this holiday season. Thank You for the comfort of knowing loved ones are with You. Thank You for wrapping Your arms around those who have lost loved ones. Lord, it does not matter if it has been less than a year or twenty years the pain is still there when a loved one leaves this earth. May we all find reason to celebrate in the midst of the pain. May we draw nearer to You as we grieve. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May I be a beacon of light for You today to all I meet or speak to. Thank You Jesus for being My Prince of Peace. Amen.

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