Sunday, December 9, 2018

I Peter 3:13-18 - "Jesus Is The Reason"

I prayed for pastors before going to sleep last night and then the Lord woke me at 3:33 to pray again. This time it was for pastors who may have people in their services over the next few weeks who only attend on holidays. He had me pray for them to preach boldly yet with His love. To preach as if this were their last day on this earth. To preach salvation and sanctification in a way people would realize Jesus came to this earth to die for everyone's sins. To preach in a way people would realize Christmas is not about shopping, food, etc. but instead is about Jesus' birth which led to His death and resurrection. Some will get it while others won't. Some will leave changed while others will leave in the same selfish state of this world. He had me pray for pastors to not give up but instead to be encouraged. That is hard to do when in situations that seem unchangeable but we must never forget nothing is impossible with God. Everything that He puts on our heart is possible when we walk in obedience to Him. It may not happen in the timing we desire but it will happen when He desires. People may not change their way of thinking overnight but as we allow Him to enable us to love with His love we will see change occur. Once again this morning, I am praying for pastors to be filled with His Spirit. I am praying His love will ooze out of them today even when presented with tough situations. I am especially praying for the pastors who feel like they have to do everything when in fact they don't; for the pastors who are discouraged to have someone in their path today to encourage them; for the pastors who feel like they have failed in their family to know it is just the enemy trying to tear them down; and for the pastors who are struggling physically to feel His strength in their body. The Christmas season is hard with added responsibilities, activities, etc. in the life of the church. May all pastors not allow the 'stuff' to blindside them for what the season is all about. May they remember the words of I Peter 3 where we are told to always be ready to share the hope of Christ in verse fifteen. We will all be around people this Christmas season who need to hear the Good News. We must not allow any opportunity presented to us pass by without speaking up. The only way to live in such a manner is to be living in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We must not allow the enemy any foothold (vs 14) but instead must be sanctified through and through (vs 15). 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the time to pray for pastors and their families. Father, may they preach boldly the True Reason for this season. May Your love flow from all who call You Father. Lord, cleanse me today so You can use me. You know what is ahead in this day and I pray for Your physical, mental, emotional, financial, and most of all spiritual strength for what is ahead. Lord, prepare me and enable me. Thank You Jesus for being My True Reason. Amen.

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