Sunday, December 23, 2018

I Peter 5:2,3 - "Silent Night"

The last Sunday before Christmas will find people who do not normally attend church to be there. Some churches will have children's programs or adult cantatas. Some will have special candlelit services. The Lord woke me several times during the night to pray for pastors who will have visitors to these services. He had me pray for them to follow-up with the visitors. It was strange but He had me pray for visitors who come occasionally to be contacted this next week and in the weeks to come. He told me sometimes we, as pastors, do not follow-up with people who we are familiar with. As I prayed for these type of situations, He had me pray for wisdom with pastors on making follow-up calls. He told me to pray for the Christmas holiday season to not cause pastors to fail at this aspect of their ministry. It is much easier for contacts to be made when in a smaller church but there has to be a way in place for them to also happen in the larger church. I have heard stories of people who have attended a larger church for a couple years only to be welcomed by a greeter as a first-time guest. Recently I was told of a lady who had a death in her family and when she called the pastor he apologized and told her he could not place her. She had been attending his large church for over a year. That is sad. People need to feel wanted. They need to feel like they are cared about. Today and tomorrow there will be many who will make the decision to go to church when it is not their normal. I prayed for them to feel Jesus' love and to feel accepted wherever they go. I also prayed....
  • ...the True Reason of the season to be proclaimed in every church by every pastor. 
  • ...pastors would be sensitive to those who are hurting from the loss of a loved one; a break-down in their marriage or family situation; those seeking a personal relationship with the Lord; etc. 
  • ...pastors would be open to every opportunity the Lord puts before them. 
  • ...those pastors who are upset over the way people are celebrating Christ's birth on the 'wrong day' or in the 'wrong way' to have their eyes opened to whatever God wants of them. 
  • ...physical, mental, and emotional strength over all pastors with added responsibilities this Christmas season.
  • ...pastors to draw nearer to God as they proclaim the birth of Christ for all mankind.
  • ...pastors to realize their families need them to spend time with them too.
  • over a pastor's wife and children who I had a dream about being in a car accident.
  • ...pastors in new churches and not doing things 'the way they have always been done' to be sensitive to the traditions of the church yet at the same time bring in their own ways with the love of Christ.
  • ...retired pastors who are feeling a loss with not having their normal church life this Christmas season.
  • ...pastors with physical ailments to lean on the Lord for wisdom and strength throughout this season but especially every day of the year.
  • ...pastors with spouses with physical ailments to not be so busy with church work that they fail to care for their spouse.
I think there was more time of praying than sleeping last night but that's OK. I am grateful He wakes me every Saturday night to pray for pastors. I know there are people who pray for us and that encourages my heart. I was grateful to read something Rodney wrote yesterday about how getting together with family to celebrate Christmas does not have to be on December 25. It can be whenever everyone is available. I pray we can make our 'normal' trip in February to celebrate Christmas in Ohio but I know whenever the Lord has it planned it will be great to experience. I know I am one of many who are away from family. I am grateful He gave me tears to cleanse my hurts yesterday and the strength to continue on the path He puts before me. There is a reason we are here and I pray we fulfill that reason. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for the privilege to pray for pastors and their families. Our time together throughout the night was pretty extensive but I know there was a lot You desired me to pray for. You brought to my heart "Silent Night" this morning and I had to chuckle because it sure wasn't a "Silent Night" with all the praying. I pray for physical strength throughout this day with such little sleep. I pray for a renewal in my spirit as You cleanse me and fill me. Lord, may You be greater than me in every aspect. May You be my words, my actions, and my attitude throughout this day in a way that people will see/hear You and not me. Go before me and open doors for Your love to flow richly from me. Thank You Jesus for being My Director. Amen.

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