Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Romans 8:28 - "Your Love Never Fails"

I woke up in the middle of the night with Romans 8:28 on my mind.  This is a verse I learned as a little girl and have remembered it.  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Then I woke up this morning singing "Your Love Never Fails" and realized I needed to see what the Lord was telling me.  

The bridge goes:  You make all things work together for my good.  "…all things…"  That means exactly what it says.  It doesn't mean some things but "…all things…"  There are a lot of circumstances in this song that proves the Lord loves us no matter what we go through.

  • When we run away from Him
  • When we make mistakes
  • When we go through tough times

Praise God that His "…love never fails."  He is with us through everything.  It is when we live a life for Him that we find His peace, His love, His acceptance and His joy.  There is no other place but with Him that these things can be found.

Too many times we try to find the easy way out of circumstances.  We try to figure things out ourselves instead of asking the Lord for His direction.  Or we will ask Him but not follow what He gives us.  It is during these times that we can feel the most lonely, the most worthless, the most crabby, etc.  We usually don't like ourselves or anyone else when we find ourselves in the position of not following the Lord.  It takes getting to the end of ourself and surrendering to Him before we change.  It takes being brave as we ask the Lord to enable us to overcome whatever is before us.  

When I saw this picture with the arrows, I immediately thought of the enemy trying to shoot us down.  He doesn't like when people believe in the Lord.  His preference is for people to continue to live a life of sin with him.  When believers start to falter in their faith, he is so ready to shoot arrows at them to make them fall.  It's sad to see so many falling prey to the enemy.  Believers must put on their full armor of God each and every day in order to stand against the enemy.  The thing we must remember though is that even when we falter or fall the Lord never leaves us.  "Your Love Never Fails"  Woo hoo!  He is always ready to accept us back with open arms.

If it were not for God's mercy and grace I would not be where I am today.  I shudder to think of how my life would have been if I would have allowed the enemy reign in my life instead of going back to the Lord.  

Dear Jesus,
This morning I am praying for many who are faltering in their faith.  I pray their eyes will be opened up before the enemy gets all of them.  I pray for them to realize that You love them, no matter what.  Lord, please put someone before them that will do or say something to make a difference in their lives.  Father, as I go throughout my day today I pray You will ooze out of me.  I pray for more of You and less of me.  I pray for people to see me and think "I want what she has."  Thank You Jesus for being My Mercy and Grace.  Amen.

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