Monday, October 6, 2014

Romans 8:28; Matthew 14 - "Still"

I was so blessed when someone shared this picture with me last week.  When I am going through an "MS storm" it's hard to minister but not impossible.  Sometimes the ministering comes in different ways than normal but the Lord continues to give me ministry opportunities.  Yesterday was a tough MS day.  It was one of those days where I wanted to climb back into the bed and cover up my head.  But I didn't.  I pushed on which is what I have to do on such days.  I have so many people tell me that I need to "take it easy" on such days.  That's what people say.  God says, "I will give you the strength to get through this."  

My physical body felt weak.  I had already had two hippy-hippy shake pills by 10:30.  My emotional body was spent from tears.  My mental body was being effected and I struggled with remembering a prayer request someone gave me to write down for Doc.  I was frustrated.  I was ready to walk out the door.  Then peace came through Doc praying for me, Adavee encouraging the congregation to be still before the Lord as she led us in the song "Still" and a time at the altar.  

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
Within your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father You are King over the flood
I will be still and
know You are God
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust
My God.. My God.. My God..
Be still and know
That I am God

Paul shared some words about Doc and I during the time that I was at the altar.  Some of what he said was that we need encouraged as we take on the burdens of others as we deal with our own health issues.  I was so blessed by his words.  We do need encouraged and are blessed with many who encourage us.  As he was talking, I was thinking about how some people try to encourage through words but when they speak in the flesh it doesn't come out as encouragement.  Others who encourage through words listen to the Lord and those words are of great encouragement.  When Adavee came down from the the stage, she gave me words from the Lord and I was so blessed.  We don't always understand messages from the Lord at the moment but as we ponder of them He brings clarity.

Yesterday morning was one of those "When the oceans rise and thunders roar…" type of mornings.  But it also was a "I will soar with you above the storm…" type of morning.  I was blessed with being still before the Lord.  It was during that stillness that I found

  • peace
  • encouragement through Paul's words
  • encouragement and clarity through the words Adavee was given to share with me
  • a deepened faith in the Lord…He promised strength to get through the tough time and He provided
  • a deepened trust in Him…I didn't want to go to church but I did…I wanted to walk out the door once there but I didn't…I trusted in Him and He provided
Faith and trust are interlocking words.  When we trust in the Lord, our faith grows in abundance.  When we put our faith in Him, our trust deepens.  I was reading an article about how how we see, hear and can feel Jesus through storms in our life.  I can say I did all three yesterday.

  1. I heard Jesus through scripture yesterday that was read in my Sunday School class.
  2. I saw Jesus through Doc as he prayed with me, Paul as he spoke about us and Adavee as she shared words for me from the Lord.
  3. I experienced Jesus by His Spirit through the peace I received when being still in Him.
Just as Jesus calmed the physical storm in Matthew 14, He calmed my MS storm yesterday.  Why?  Because He keeps His promises.  He promised me yesterday morning He would give me strength and He did.  He also promises me in Romans 8:28, "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Woo hoo!  He has called me to be His servant and He will continue to walk this path with me as I am obedient. 

Dear Jesus,
I pray I passed the test of blessing someone yesterday even while going through the storm I was in.  I pray I wasn't crabby or distracted to the point of missing an opportunity to minister.  As I looked around the room at my teen Sunday School class I felt so blessed to be with them.  But I also wondered if they were getting anything from the lesson because I was struggling mentally.  After church there were a couple things mentioned that I know they got it.  Woo hoo…thank You Jesus!  Your Holy Spirit definitely was teaching because I don't even remember what all I said.  Praise Your Holy Name!  Lord, today is a new day.  I don't know where You will lead me or who You will put before my path but I pray for recognition of the opportunities You give me.  More of You Lord and less of me.  Thank You Jesus for being My Stillness.  Amen.

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