Sunday, October 19, 2014

Matthew 6:13 - "Help Me Find It"

And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from the evil one.’
Matthew 6:13

This verse was part of our study in the teen Sunday School class today.  We talked about different ways we are tempted and also how the Lord can protect us each and every moment of our lives.  The thing I emphasized with the teens is that the Lord can be everywhere at the same time but the enemy can not.  The enemy works through people but we must remember the Lord does too.  

As I look around at the circumstances people are dealing with there are so many that could be avoided if they would just surrender to the Lord.  If they would give up the way they want things done and allow the Lord His will, their life could be so different.  My heart breaks for parents who are struggling in their relationship with their children because the Lord is not center of their lives.  It also breaks for those who are so overwhelmed with trying to keep up with all the ways of the world.  This picture says so much for how life truly is.  Even though it's says "woman" it applies to all of us...

I shared with the teens this morning the importance of having a relationship with the Lord.  That doesn't mean just coming to church on Sunday and/or Wednesday.  It means communicating with the Lord throughout the week.  It means reading His word.  It means living for Him.  When we allow the world to take over our lives, we will feel empty.  When we allow the Lord to take over our lives, we will be filled with His Spirit.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for protecting me from the evil one when he comes knocking at my door.  Thank You for loving me and caring for me in so many ways.  Father, I pray for those who feel underwhelmed in their soul.  I pray they will come to the end of themselves and surrender to You.  I pray for the ones who are struggling with hurt and allowing that hurt to affect their entire life.  I pray for the ones who are dealing with physical issues and need Your healing touch.  Lord, speak so clearly to people so there would be no doubt what they need to do in order to be in a full relationship with You.  Thank You Jesus for being My Fullness.  Amen.

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