Sunday, October 12, 2014

I Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Disappointments In Life

I heard some great words yesterday that really made me think.  Instead of trying to change the present circumstances we need to realize change needs to occur in us despite the circumstances.  Woo hoo!  It's so easy to complain about what others do or say to us.  The enemy likes to get us going to blame others for our problems.  It's also easy to be disappointed in our circumstances.  But it doesn't do any good to grumble about it.  We need to choose joy over grumbling.  We need to choose surrender to whatever the Lord desires of us instead of what we want.  

As I listened to Dr. Warrick some word pictures came to my mind about times I've not dealt with people or situations in the way the Lord wanted me to.  Boy, did I show a selfish side of me.  In a way I was like a spoiled little girl "crying" to try to get my way. I also thought of others who I've seen manipulate situations in order to get their way.  Lord, help us.

This morning I was taken to I Thessalonians 5:16-18…Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in our circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  Why should we "rejoice always"?  Why should we "pray without ceasing"?  Why should we "give thanks in our circumstances"?  Because it "…is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  Woo hoo!  God's will is not something to take lightly.  We need to acknowledge it, accept it and live it.

What about the disappointments in life?  How do we deal with them?  What are we to do when someone hurts us?  Plain and simple…we are to seek the Lord for His healing.  Not only do we need to pray for the person but we especially need to pray for ourselves to allow the Lord to heal us and to not allow the enemy any foothold in the situation.  Will it be easy?  Probably not but it will be a blessing in the end.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for reminders.  Thank You for speaking through others.  Father, I praise You for being the One in control of my life.  Please forgive me when I don't do or say as You desire of me.  Lord, I pray no foothold for the enemy to be in life.  I pray for more of You and less of me.  As that occurs, I am enabled to follow Your will in a greater walk.  Thank You for being My Will.  Amen.

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