Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Matthew 19:26 - "All Things Are Possible"

As Mordecei and I were taking our walk this morning the Lord reminded me of some things.  The sidewalk was wet.  There were leaves on it along with acorns from time to time.  Some places had branches laying across the sidewalk.  The wetness really makes it difficult for me to walk with the slipperiness.   I did a lot of thinking and praying throughout the walk. 

The Lord reminded me that's how life is difficult at times....there are obstacles that get in the way of our relationship with Him.  But we must remember to stay close to Him so we can have His strength to lean upon.  We have to be in His Word so we will be encouraged, especially during the slippery times of life.  People and/or circumstances will be just like the acorns and branches.  They will be there to trip us up.  Sometimes they will be seen while other times they will be hidden.

Mordecei was having a tough time with the humidity as we walked so we stopped often.  One time as I was giving him a drink of water the Lord reminded me that is what we, as humans need.  A drink of His Living Water to refresh and renew us. 

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more better than what the Lord was telling me He gave me the song "All Things Are Possible" and I thought I was going to explode.  "My feet are planted on this rock, and I will not be shaken..."  Woo hoo!  Praise the Lord...yes that's how the song goes!  "Your praise is always on my lips, Your Word is living in my heart..."  Woo hoo!   So when life get difficult...when obstacles try to stop me in my relationship with the Lord...when my path gets slippery....I will remember "All Things Are Possible"!!!!!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this morning!  Thank You for the reminders You gave me about life.  Sometimes I feel like I continually run into obstacles but You reminded me of Your Words in Matthew 19:26...“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  I praise You for that!!!!  Woo hoo!  Thank You Jesus for being My Possibility Maker!  Amen.

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