Sunday, January 5, 2014

Matthew 25:23 - "I Feel Like Traveling On"

Today as we were singing the closing song I thought of how my friend Phil Batten must be feeling in his last hours on this earth.  He has been such an inspiration to so many people.  I'm sure there are thousands who no one even knows about.  I am encouraged as I read the posts from his son about how his Dad is going through this time.  He encourages me to keep on being the servant the Lord has called me to be, no matter what.  He has faced some tough stuff in his life on this earth yet he knows exactly where he is going.  Praise the Lord!  If Phil could sing this song one last time, I know he would sing it with a smile on his face.    

My heavenly home is bright and fair
I feel like traveling on
No pain nor death can enter there
I feel like traveling on.
Yes, I feel like traveling on
I feel like traveling on
My heavenly home is bright and fair
I feel like traveling on.
Its glittering towers the sun outshines
I feel like traveling on
That heavenly mansion shall be mine
I feel like traveling on.
The Lord has been so good to me
I feel like traveling on
Until that blessed home I see
I feel like traveling on.
Yes, I feel like traveling on..
If I were to be told my time on this earth was numbered, how would I react?  Would I encourage those around me to stay strong in their faith?  I think of the last hours before my sister-in-law Bobbi passed.  She was asking about how others were doing even though she knew her time was short.  Would I be like that?  Would I be an inspiration to the ones caring for me?  I sure hope so!  I pray that when my time on this earth draws near I will be a blessing to those around me.  I also pray I will hear the words that I know Phil will hear from Matthew 25:23….

'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

Dear Jesus,
I praise you for the example Phil has and continues to give us.  I praise You Lord for the way You continue to use him as Your servant.  Lord, bless his family in abundance as they make these wonderful memories with him.  I praise You, Father, for the way You are going to greet him into Your arms.  I also praise You for the knowledge that we will see him again when we also go to heaven.  "I feel like traveling on…"  Yes, Phil…walk the path the Lord puts before you and do it with the finesse you always have.  Thank You Jesus for being Our Eternity.  Amen.

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