Monday, February 13, 2017

James 1:2-4 - "Oceans"

Yesterday as I sat in the ER seeing my honey hooked up to the heart monitor I thought of James 1:2-4. We've been in this situation before with chest pains and the same result has happened each time with no heart attack shown. I had peace the same result would happen again. I also asked God 'Why' we were going through this. Another question I had for Him was 'Would You please reveal something through this?' Then I got to thinking about that question. I was asking Him to reveal something through medical testing/doctors but maybe I needed to ask Him to reveal something in our spiritual lives. It seems like since we came to South Carolina we have been hit from every angle in our physical bodies. Actually, that is not true. My MS has not went crazy since coming here which is a miracle in itself. But the female issues and surgery, then the breast cancer in me, along with Doc passing some kidney stones and now blood pressure and sugar issues. There has been so much in eight months. We have felt under attack. It very well could be spiritual warfare. Satan does not like what God is doing in and through us. He is fighting our efforts over and over. We have seen his effects over and over since coming to Beaufort. We have seen people come so close to God and then get sucked back into the ways of the world. There have been some who have accepted Him into their lives only to begin to doubt they can live a life for Him. It has been hard in not making more progress for the Lord than we thought we would. Obstacles have come in the way over and over to things we have prayed about and felt led to do in the Lord's strength. The fight is real but the thing we continue to rely on is our faith. These trials, whether from the Lord or from the enemy, have and will continue to increase our faith. The enemy cannot stop us and the Lord will continue to be our strength. Our physical bodies have been attacked. Our financial bodies have dwindled. Our emotional bodies have been compromised. But our spiritual bodies are stronger today than a year ago. It was a year ago this month we visited this area and God confirmed we were to move here. During our time sitting by the waterfront I knew this was going to be our new home. I wasn't sure how it would happen or how I would ever leave my family but I did know God would take care of every aspect of our lives and He did. I also started praying then for the people of the Beaufort Church to love on us through the transition. I prayed for wherever God gave us to live. I prayed for new neighbors to be open to Him through us. I prayed for the ability to plant seeds in this area that would grow into beautiful lives for Him. Through these tough days there have been days of discouragement. There have been days of feeling alone. There have been days of wishing I could be with family through tough situations they are going through. But through all of the tough days there has been many days of joy. Seeing people accept the Lord rates up there with being the most joyful of days. Having my last day of radiation brought lots of joy. Making new friends who love on me greatly brings me joy. Realizing the enemy doesn't like what we are doing brings me joy too. I know I am doing God's will and the enemy is mad. Ephesians 6:12 reads, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." The enemy is working overtime. He is deceiving people into thinking they can't live a life for Christ. He continues to tempt people in thinking the ways of the world are better than God's ways. He continues to make people feel guilty of their past life. Even though he continues to do all of these things he won't win in our lives. He can't get us in our lives so he is attacking those in our influence. God is our strength. We trust in Him. We know no matter what comes our way He is the One who will get us through. He will use the trials put before us to strengthen us. Woo hoo! I was amazed as I sat yesterday and thought about the other times we went through this with Doc. I was a basket case. The very first time I just about lost it with worry. This time was so different. Yes, I was concerned but I didn't fret. I was at peace. I knew whatever was happening the Lord would see us through. This morning as I call the doctor the Lord is with me. He is my Peace. He already knows the outcome. Woo hoo! Would I like answers from the doctor? Yes! Will we get answers from him? Maybe. Maybe not. But no matter what God is still in control. He will guide us down the path He has chosen for us. He will be our Strength no matter what. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the peace You have given me in this situation with Doc. Thank You for way You continue to give me peace with being away from family. Thank You for loving on me through times of hurt in my emotional body. Lord, You are so wonderful in the ways You show Your love to me. I am so grateful for who You are in my life. Father, would You fill me to overflowing with more of You today so people will see and hear You through me? Would You knock the enemy down in some people's lives today who are near and dear to me? Would You give peace to those who need it so badly? Father, I pray for You to be glorified through my words, actions and attitude today. I pray for those who don't know You to find You through me today. Lord, thank You for being My Joy. Amen.

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