Sunday, February 19, 2017

James 1:2-4 - "Lean On" matter if it is physical or emotional can be crippling. I was clinging to James 1:2-4 yesterday as I prayed for my family with the loss of my brother, my physical pain in my back/hip and with Doc's physical issues. I was beginning to think I wasn't doing a very good job in being joyful when a friend wrote me these words which blessed me in abundance and enabled me to realize His joy once again.

"It is very hard when you get bombarded with so much. Remember, joyful isn't that you're bubbly on the outside, but that God's peace is inside you. God is carrying you through everything. He said when tough times come, that He will be on our right side to walk us through. It's not how much we can handle but if we'll hold His righteous right hand through it. Thank you Lord, for being with Doc and Sheila. Ease there pain and suffering, Lord and bring them through everything with tryump. AMEN. Love y'all!!!!"

This morning the pain is still in my physical and my emotional body yet I am at peace. I do not know why we are going through these things but the Lord does. I pray the tough times will lessen yet more importantly I pray for our spiritual strength to deepen during them. The words to "Lean On" were in my mind this morning...

You can lean on everlasting arms
When your strength fails and your faith is worn
You'll be safe here from all alarms
You can lean on everlasting arms

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for friends who carry me through the tough days with their prayers and words of encouragement. I am blessed with old friends in Ohio and new friends in South Carolina who strengthen me. Thank You for the day ahead. Father, I pray for wisdom on what to do with my physical pain. I also pray for You to be glorified through it. Lord, fill me to overflowing with You so I can endure this pain in the manor You desire. Thank You Jesus for being My Peace. Amen.

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