Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I Peter 4:12-13 - "The Secret Place"

I woke up this morning with these words going through my mind...

I'm running, I'm running
I'm running to the secret place

When I heard this song at Women's Getaway I was so blessed by it. I was in the middle of everything with my breast cancer. I had been diagnosed but had not started the radiation yet. I was confused, hurting both physically and emotionally. But the one thing I knew was who was going to get me through it. The only answer was God. He was my "secret place" where I could find rest. These last two weeks have been tough with Doc's BP issues, my back and then last night him with a kidney stone. I have to stay in my "secret place" if I am going to survive all of this spiritual warfare.

In the fading light when night is breaking
I know You will always be waiting
You'll always be there

There is no doubt in my mind that God is not going to leave me. He did not bring us to South Carolina to fail but rather to prosper. We have made headway for Him and will continue to do so. Why? Because I can sing to Him and know "You are my only hope, You are the Rock on which I stand, You will not let me go, I know that I am safe inside Your hands..." The inspiration for this song came from a dark time in Phil Wickham's life. He lost his voice and was facing surgery on his vocal chords. He wasn't sure he would ever sing again. God told him no matter what the outcome He would still love him. Phil trusted God and leaned on His strength as he went through surgery. God blessed him with being able to sing again. When I was faced with breast cancer, God told me to do the radiation and I did. He was with me every step of the way. He was with me when I cried with the rawness. He was with me when the schedule did not allow us to go to Ohio for the holidays. Disappointments in life are just that. Disappointments. But God loves us through disappointments. He is with me. Plain and simple. He loves me. I am His child. As I sat in the ER with Doc twice over the last couple of weeks His peace was with me. No matter what the outcome of the tests or the financial strain I knew He was in control. He takes care of us and blesses us. Once again, plain and simple, He loves us. Sometimes I think God wants to see just how deep our faith goes. He saw His son have a deep faith which took His obedience to the deepest level in His death of the cross. I know He desires my obedience to go deep. I also know the enemy wants to see my faith falter. The enemy will not win because God already won in my life! He is My Strength to get me through tough days.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song this morning that reminded me just how much You love me. Thank You for the trying times that take my faith deeper. Lord, I pray for the day that is ahead. I pray for answers at Doc's appointment. I thank You for the way You continue to use us and bless us here in South Carolina. Fill me to overflowing with more of You throughout this day. I pray for all who see or hear me to know it is You. Thank You for being My Secret Place. Amen.

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