Saturday, February 18, 2017

I Peter 2:4-5 - "Come Thou Fount"

I woke up to the words of an old hymn going through my mind...

Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise

I love this song and all of the meaning behind it! He is the fount or source of every blessing I receive. I pray every day for Him to open my eyes for opportunities He has for me so I can bless Him with my obedience. When He blesses me, I am blessed in return. I pray He will not only teach me what He desires me to learn but that He also will enable me to be led by the Holy Spirit to live out what I learn. I also pray for Him to show through the way I live. "I'll praise the Mount I'm fixed upon it..." Woo hoo! Yes! I will praise His Holy Name as I live a life grounded in Him. For a long time I sang but didn't know what the word 'Ebenezer' referred to and was blessed to find it means 'rock of help'! He has been my Rock of Help in the past and continues to be that each and every day. He protects me each and every day, sometimes even in ways I don't even know about. He protects me from temptation when the enemy comes knocking at my door. We, as human beings, are not God yet we have His supernatural empowerment available to us. When we live for Him in a life of holiness, we no longer have the desire to sin. I love the last part of this song...

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above

Woo hoo! Yes! We go the ways of the world when we are not living a sanctified life. The temptation to live a 'better' life on this earth will only pull us away from a life of eternity with our Lord. We must pray for Him to "take and seal" our heart in order to live in "Thy courts above"! 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders of this song to praise You and to stay grounded in a holy life! It will be then, and only then, I will live with You for eternity. Oh how I pray for more people to come to the end of themselves and live a life of holiness. I pray for more people to not only come to know You but for them to come into full relationship with You. Father, You are so awesome in the way You bless me over and over again. Lord, not only do You know the things we are going through but You know the outcome. I do not have to fret over anything. I pray for physical strength as my body is so tired from yesterday. Waking up and feeling this way is not the way I would chose to start my day but You are in control. You will give me exactly what I need, when I need it. You know what is ahead in this day and for that I am grateful. I pray You will enable me to not be distracted and miss opportunities You have for me. I praise You Father for all the ways You take care of us. Thank You for being My Ebenezer! Amen.

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