Monday, September 29, 2014

Various Scriptures - Role Model

Last night I was reminded of some fond memories from my childhood.  I was a little hungry before bed and ended up with some saltine crackers and tea.  It’s been awhile since I had the two together but it took me back to my grade school days.  I would get off the bus after school and go to spend some time with our neighbor, Lucille Hill.  My Mom worked second shift at the hospital and my Daddy was working on the farm so she filled the hour before my Daddy was done.

I get tears in my eyes to think about my time with her.  It was just her and I as her children were older and had already left home.  There was not a lot of money back then but Lucille always had saltine crackers and tea bags for a nice after school snack.  And of course, lots of sugar for the tea!  More than anything else she was there to listen.  Not a day went by where the first words out of her mouth were, “How was your day?”  Of course, being the talker that I have always been that gave me an open door to share with her about my day.  

Lucille spent time with me.  She gave of her time to make sure I was cared for during the hour in between getting off the bus and the time my Daddy was home.  She didn’t do it for money or because she “had to” but instead did it out of the goodness of her heart.  I’m sure she was entertained by some of the things I told her.

As I reflect back on the role Lucille played in my life I think about how I can play the same role in children’s lives today.  I also think about how many people I touch each and every day just by being there as a friend...confidant...someone who is “safe” to talk to.  I praise the Lord for putting people before me who need to have someone to be there for them.  I don’t praise Him for the situations they are going through but thankful I can be part of their healing process.

I came across an article on “5 Traits of True Christian Friends.”  I minister to so many people who probably don’t consider me their “friend” but yet they are grateful when I give of my time to help them through what they are going through.  I pray I will show these traits in my relationships.

Christian Friends Love Sacrificially - John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Christian Friends Accept Unconditionally - Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Christian Friends Trust Completely - Proverbs 18:24
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Christian Friends Keep Healthy Boundaries - 1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy ... (NIV)

Christian Friends Give Mutual Edification - Proverbs 27:6
Wounds from a friend can be trusted ...

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the reflection on my time with Lucille as I was growing up.  Thank You for the role model she was for me.  I pray You will enable me to be a good role model myself.  Lord, put people before me that need You through me.  I pray for more of You and less of me in order to be the most effective in my relationships that I can be.  Thank You Jesus for being My Role Model.  Amen.

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