Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Philippians 4:13 - "Speak Life"

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Yesterday was a day where I had no doubt I wasn't doing anything on my own strength, but on the Lord's.  There are some days where I feel His strength part of the day but yesterday it was all day long.  I wasn't sure I could "do" the day but when I prayed about it He gave me peace that He would carry me through it.  He also gave me a heads-up that He would use me to bless others in some mighty ways.  Wow…yes, He did!  There were two incidents in particular that come to my mind.

The first one was with a man in what appears to be his last days.  He's hard to understand when he talks but there was no doubt what he was saying when he sang old hymns.  For a half hour yesterday morning we sang.  It was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had.  He would cry from time to time.  He also would raise his hand toward heaven and say what I thought was "Jesus!"  What a precious time we had.  Every time I would go back into the room to check on him he would smile when he heard my voice.  I pray that time was as special for him as it was for me.  I had to think that if I live to be his age I doubt that there will be people around to sing hymns with me.  Hymns are a thing of the past in most people's lives.  Children aren't being taught hymns in most churches.  I love when the children's music DVD's take hymns and put them to newer music so that the children will learn them.  

The second incident I experienced was with a lady who doesn't have the nicest disposition.  I was thinking it was because of the situation she was in with her loved one but then was told it was her normal.  I introduced myself to her early in the day and she was a bit standoffish.  But as the day continued she warmed up to me and by the end of the day she showed gratitude for what I had done for her loved one.  I pray her heart softened not just when she talked with me but when she interacted with others, especially her loved one.

As I woke up this morning, I was singing a song Toby Mac sings called, "Speak Life."  I wondered why the Lord brought that song to me but then I checked out the lyrics and knew why.  It was because of the change I saw in this one when I spoke to her. I'm not sure how my words were different than others but I do know she reacted to me and my words totally different than to other people's words.  

Look into the eyes of the brokenhearted;
Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope,
You speak love, you speak speak speak...
You speak Life,(oh oh oh oh oh oh) You speak Life. (oh oh oh oh oh oh)

I remember seeing a picture from time to time about how we don't know what other people are going through….

We have to be so careful not to judge people for their attitudes.  Sometimes in tough situations people's ugly side will show through.  I struggle with crabbiness when I'm dealing with my MS issues.  It's hard to be my normal self when my body feels anything but normal.  But I have to lean on the Lord more to get through tough days.  Yesterday was one of those days where my physical body would have rather stayed in bed.  The Lord had other plans.  If I would have given into my physical body, I would have missed so many blessings. I've learned to not only ask the Lord what I'm to do but then to lean on His strength when He asks me to do something I feel like I can't do.  I love the words to this song.  I truly can say "Amen" to knowing His joy when going through the storms He asks me to go through.  

Lift your head a little higher,
Spread the love like fire,
Hope will fall like rain,
When you speak life with the words you say.
Raise your thoughts a little higher,
Use your words to inspire,
Joy will fall like rain,
When you speak life with the things you say.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday.  Thank You for my time singing with this older gentleman.  I truly felt like he was seeing You in heaven from time to time.  Father, I pray for this journey he is on to be easy for him and his loved ones.  Lord, most of all I pray for Your Will to be done in this situation.  Father, forgive me when I judge people.  I also ask for forgiveness when I don't have the right attitude.  Lord, would you please resolve the issue with my medication if I am to take it.  If I'm not to take it, then I ask for closed doors to it.  Father, Your Will is the only thing I want.  My choice would be for an instant healing from this fatigue and I do pray for that if it's Your Will.  If this time is something I have to go through for either myself or someone else, I pray You will open my eyes to that.  Father, thank You for carrying me throughout my day yesterday.  I'm not sure what You desire of today but I will wait to hear from You.  Thank You Jesus for being The One To Carry Me.  Amen.

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