Monday, April 8, 2013

Psalm 77:14 - Miracles and Power

"You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:14

I love, love, love teaching the teen Sunday School class.  They always amaze me at the things they say, the questions they ask, the observations they make, etc.  We always start class out with prayer requests.  Yesterday was no different than any other as they shared what was on their hearts.  It seemed like many had unspoken requests.  Those always get my attention because whatever they are, the teens can't verbally share them.  This normally means there is hurt involved or shame.  One request in particular yesterday was from one of the guys asking for prayer for a friend who was going through a rough time.  I'm so thankful for the way the Lord has put compassion into this teen's heart for not only classmates in our class but also their classmates at school.  That prayer time was about the only thing that was "normal" with class yesterday. My written lesson on worship kind of went by the wayside when the Holy Spirit took over.  I shared with them again about how the Lord was speaking to me.  They've heard about it before but the Holy Spirit nudged me to give them examples on how He has spoken to me as I worship.  He encouraged me to explain how worship is not just when we are at church or when we are singing.  About two-thirds through our time together the young man who asked for prayer for his friend raised his hand.  He said that God had spoken to him about his friend's problem.  Woo hoo!  Thank You Jesus!  This was so exciting not only for me as his teacher but especially for him to have the experience.  I was not the only one in the room now who had experienced hearing from the Lord. Woo hoo!  

Thank You Jesus for this group of young lives who are becoming such an awesome core group of teens.  Thank You Jesus for the way Pastor James and Jody are teaching them.  Thank You Jesus for the compassion You have put into their hearts for others.  Thank You Jesus for giving me the opportunity to be their Sunday School teacher.  Thank You Jesus for this time where You become more real to this one through speaking to him.  Lord, I ask for more of Your Presence not only in my life but in the teens lives.  I love Psalm 77:14.  "You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples."  Woo hoo!  I love, love, love the miracles and power we are seeing!  Amen.

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