Saturday, May 31, 2014

Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Strong Enough"

The last three mornings I have woke up to singing Matthew West's "Strong Enough" and then have heard it multiple times on KLOVE.  I am so grateful for the knowledge the Lord has given me that I don't have to be strong, no matter what I'm going through.  His strength is all I need.  I'm so thankful for the point where I gave up doing what I wanted to do or thought I needed to do and surrendered to Him total control of my life.  Woo hoo!  Such freedom in this life.  Such freedom in brokenness.  

I pray for more believers to come to the point of being broken.  My prayers are for more people to have the freedom I have found.  Freedom to live the life He so desires of each of us.  Freedom to know whatever I do is in His will.  

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.  The key to these verses is the word "all."  

n. noun
  1. The whole of one's fortune, resources, or energy; everything one has.
    The brave defenders gave their all.
  1. The entire or total number, amount, or quantity; totality.
    All of us are sick. All that I have is yours.
  2. Everyone; everything.
    justice for all.
Not part of your heart or part of your ways but all of your heart and all of your ways.  Only then will we be in His will.  When we give Him our all His will is our will.  I can't imagine living in these days without being in total surrender to the Lord.  My life would be so much harder if I were still trying to do everything on my own strength and in my own way.  I am so grateful for His strength and His will.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for directing all of my paths.  Thank You for giving me the knowledge of how to live a surrendered life.  Father, You are so awesome in the ways You show Your love to me by entrusting me with opportunities to be You to others.  Thank You Jesus for being My All.  Amen.

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