Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Corinthians 10:23-24 - "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)"

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.  No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.    I Corinthians 10:23-24

Last night in our group we talked about how even if something is permissible it isn't always beneficial.  If we do something to make a brother stumble, then it definitely isn't beneficial.  Sometimes when I think back on conversations I wonder why I said or didn't say something.  Or in thinking back on situations why I reacted in a certain way.  It's so tough (and not possible) to always say and do the right things.  But one thing that helps me in life is to know that the Lord guides my steps.  He is the One to direct me.  As long as I stay in relationship with Him I don't need to have any guilt.  When problems arise, I can know that whatever I do or say is OK because the Lord guides me.

But the same isn't true for everyone and I need to remember that.  If I don't, then I give the enemy a foothold into my own life.  When the enemy is allowed into our lives, he will cause disruptions in relationships which in turn will cause hurt.  I don't know which is worse.  Seeing someone who has been a believer for years allow the enemy a foothold or seeing a new believer allowing it.  Someone who has known the Lord for a long time should know better but yet as human beings it happens.  On the other hand a new believer really doesn't know better.  They are still trying to figure Jesus out let alone have to deal with the attacks of the enemy.  It's so hard to see, no matter which situation it is.

Prayer is the key to getting through "junk" of this world.  So this morning I am praying…

Dear Jesus,
I pray for restoration in relationships.  I pray for eyes to be opened to You.  Lord, I don't understand why things happen to cause issues within relationships but I do know the enemy is hard at work in many lives.  I pray against him having any foothold in my own life and in the lives of those I love.  I pray for the full armor of God to be upon believers.  Lord, I pray for Your guidance as I deal with situations that are "junk" of this world.  I pray for Your strength in my emotions.  I pray for my faith to not falter.  I pray the words of the song "Oceans" this morning….Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders; Let me walk upon the waters; Wherever You would call me.  Thank You Jesus for being My Faith.  Amen.

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