Saturday, August 23, 2014

Philippians 4:13 - Compassion Fatigue Day 3 - "The Only Name (Yours Will Be)"

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.  Philippians 4:13

As I was leaving the church from the funeral dinner yesterday, I was blessed when I turned on KLOVE and "The Only Name (Yours Will Be)" came on.  Woo hoo!  How appropriate for the end of the day that included the funeral of a believer and a death of another believer.  I didn't realize just how appropriate the song was for the day until 10PM when I received a call to go to the hospital to be with a family of a man in his last minutes.  Once again, he was a believer.  

A few weeks ago as I walked into his room I asked him if I could pray for him.  His response was one I will never forget.  "G---i---r---l, you never have to ask me if you can pray.  You can pray with me anytime you want."  He was one of those people who I could sit and listen to him tell stories all day long.  I was blessed with being able to be with his family for his last breathes.  He put up a tough fight to stay on this earth but the Lord called him home.

When I wake up in the Land of Glory
And with the saints I will tell my story
There will be one Name that I proclaim

Once again I went through so many emotions with another family and started thinking about the whole compassion fatigue concept.  As I was leaving for the hospital Doc said, "I'm sorry you have to go but we know the Lord has put you into this position for a reason.  He will give you strength."  And that He did.  I am so thankful I don't have to do anything on my own strength because the Lord is always with me.  He is my strength in such a mighty way.  

Dear Jesus,
I'm beyond exhausted, physically…mentally…emotionally.  I need more of You and less of me.  Father, please fill my tank to overflowing.  With another set of calling hours tomorrow and then the funeral monday I need so much of Your strength.  Lord, I pray for these families who are going through such difficult days.  I ask that You be so very real to them. I pray that something I said or did for them will make a difference in these time of grieving for them.  Thank You Jesus for being My Strength.  Amen.

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