Monday, November 16, 2020

Psalm 18; Psalm 89:15; Ephesians 6:10-18 - "See A Victory"

This morning the Lord took me to Psalm 18. It was written by David to God and is about having victory in life through God. The last verse in the New International Version reads: He gives his king great victories; he shows unfailing love to his anointed, to David and to his descendants forever. Victory! Yes! My challenge at the end of the sermon yesterday was Give God praises this week for every time He blesses you with victory! We talked about how the only way to have victory is to put on the full armor of God every day (Ephesians 6). When we do, we will know the joyful sound as in Psalm 89:15. It is not complicated to have victory but it does take being sold-out to God. It takes surrendering our checkbook, our calendar, our family, etc. It takes dying to self and allowing God to have His way with us. The enemy will fight for our soul but we must allow God to do our fighting for us. This can only be done with starting each day by putting on His full armor. We must remember the enemy cannot take anything from us unless we allow him to do so. In spite of the battle that is raging, and in spite of Satan’s attacks, and in spite of the enemy surrounding us on every side, in spite of the deadness and dullness and unconcern of a lot of Christians, we can know the joyful sound. We need to not only hear it but know it. Not the sound of gloom and doom, not the sound of discouragement, not the sound of sorrow, and not the sound of defeat, BUT A JOYFUL SOUND! I have been asked to pray for many who are dealing with depression. The things that are happening in our world today are becoming overbearing. This is a scary time for many with the threat of COVID19, the unrest in the political world, etc. The enemy is working overtime to make people be afraid, depressed, fearful of their future, etc. We must remember God is in control even in the mess we are living in. Even when we cannot see anything good happening, He is good. When we cannot see anything but strife, He is there in His empowerment to love on us. When we feel like we cannot go on, He is there to give us exactly what we need to continue on. He desires us to live in His love and empowerment. He desires us to walk the road of obedience to His will. His desires are greater than anything the enemy tries to put before us. I am reminded of the song See A Victory...

The weapon may be formed, but it won't prosper
When the darkness falls, it won't prevail
Cause the God I serve knows only how to triumph
My God will never fail
Oh my God will never fail

I'm gonna see a victory
I'm gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to you Lord
I'm gonna see a victory
I'm gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to you Lord

Yes! God will give me a victory because He never fails! The war was already won on the cross and He takes every battle on for us when we allow Him. We do not have to fret but instead can stand in His peace. We do not have to worry about tomorrow but instead remember He already knows the outcome. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the war already being won! Thank You for taking care of the battles before me! Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that go before me! Thank You for giving me victory over the enemy! Thank You for yesterday's service where You spoke truth through me! Thank You for my time with Will and Sandy over lunch and then Jennifer and Eddie for a visit at the waterfront! Thank You for continuing to heal my hurts over Doc no longer being with me! Thank You for protecting my Momma and others from the nasty weather yesterday in Ohio! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me today to overflowing with You so Your love will ooze out of me. May people see/hear You instead of me. May You put people before me who need to feel Your love in a special way today. Thank You Jesus for being My Victory! Amen.

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