Monday, November 9, 2020

II Cor 4:16-18; I Peter 4:12-13 - "The Potter's Hand"

God is so good at encouraging me. Last night as I was reading for my Discipleship Band, He brought II Corinthians 4:16-18 and I Peter 4:12-13 before me. There was a statement in my reading that spoke volumes to me. "Brokenness may be the greatest qualification for ministry." We all must be broken before Him before He can use us to do His will. The reading continued, "God desires to use our pain not to harm us, but rather to bring life." Yes! God is not taking me through these 'tough' days for no reason. God is making new life in me (II Corinthians 4:16-18). As I allow Him to use my pain to shape me into His image, I will find comfort in Him. In my reading it was described, "When we hurt, we can discover the treasure of His comfort even in the dark places." Woo hoo! The more I seek Him, the more I will have the desire in my heart to walk in obedience to His will. The more I walk in His will, the more I will become more Christ-like. I must trust Him with my whole being. I must love Him with my whole being. I must allow Him to work in and through my whole being. None of these things can be done in just a part of my being but in my whole being. As I live in this manner, He will take my broken dreams and create them into being the dream He has for my life. Victory is found in living in this manner! Woo hoo! I love how God is speaking to me. He is so, so good. I desire for my testimony to be one of victory. As II Corinthians 4:16 says, 'I will not give up' when the tough days come. Instead I will allow God to shine brightly through my cracks as a broken vessel. I will strive to be bold in sharing my testimony and in sharing the Gospel so He can use me to further His Kingdom. Today starts another week. There are various things on the calendar but the most important thing for me is to stay in relationship so I not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to it. Woo hoo!

Take me and mold me, use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hand
Call me, You guide me, lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's hand

You gently call me into Your presence
Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord, to live all of my life
Through Your eyes


Dear Jesus,

Thank You for Your Word that encourages me so greatly! Thank You for yesterday where You used me to preach the Gospel! Thank You for loving me so greatly that when Chris asked how I was doing my reply was 'good!' Thank You for the healing process over losing Doc that continues in my heart! Thank You for making new life in me! Thank You for my secret sister that sent me the perfect blanket that encourages me through the healing process! Thank You for cleansing me today so You can fill me with Your Holy Spirit! May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout this day in a mighty way. I pray for a family going through a tough time with the husband's health issues to feel Your presence today. I also pray for the one ministering to them to feel Your strength. Lord, remind us all of what C.S. Lewis said. "Life with God is not immunity from difficulties but peace in difficulties!" May we all take the things that come before us and allow You to work in and through them. Thank You Jesus for being My Peace! Amen.


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