Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Numbers 6:24-26 - "The Blessing"

Two months. How can it be two months since my honey took his last breath on this earth? Two months seems like such a short time in some respects yet it feels like it has been a long time since he was here with me. Oh how I miss him. The house is so quiet and lonely without him. I miss talking with him and taking him for drives. I miss asking him questions about the Bible. So, so many things have changed with him leaving. I am so grateful for my tribe who continue to love on me so greatly. I am grateful for God's direction for me and His peace. I am grateful for the time I had with Doc not just over the last thirty plus years but especially for the last few months of his life. What a blessing He gave us! He blessed us with our talks, the decisions we made, etc. He blessed us with quality time that we used to deepen our relationship with one another and with Him. Woo hoo! I am so thankful Doc was with me the night of my ordination interview even though ordination was postponed so he won't be able to walk me down the aisle. That evening holds a special place in my book of memories. This picture was taken after the interview. The blessing from Numbers 6:24-25 was one Doc said many times. The peace spoken through this blessing is felt greatly and I am so grateful for that. The tears still come from time to time but they are part of the healing process. The song Bethel sings called The Blessing has words that I continue to hold onto...

May His presence go before you
And behind you and beside you
All around you and within you
He is with you, He is with you
In the morning, in the evening
In your coming and your going
In your weeping and rejoicing
He is for you, He is for you

He is with me 24/7. His strength is my strength. His Word tells me He will never leave me and I am so grateful I have lived that promise out especially over these last few months. I am grateful for the peace I continue to live in even during these 'tough' days. There is no better place to live! 

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for Your love that gives me peace in these 'tough' times! Thank You for the gift You gave me with Doc loving on me so greatly! Thank You for the time we had his last few months to grow closer to one another and to You! Thank You for showing Your love to me through him! Lord, life is so different without him. It is not one I would have ever chosen. I know I must stay focused on You so I do not miss any opportunity You put before me. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with You. May You be my words, actions, thoughts, and attitude throughout this day in a new way. I learned this week the word 'new' in Greek is 'freshness' and that is what I desire in my spirit. I want a freshness in my spiritual life so I can be ready for whatever You desire to pour down upon me. Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus for this desire in my heart! Thank You for putting people on my heart to pray for! Thank You for being with Corey and LaNora today as they continue through these tough days! Thank You Jesus for being My Blesser! Amen.

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