Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Proverbs 3:5-6; II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:13 - Emotional Day

Carpal tunnel?  How can that cause such pain in my neck?  I’ve never had that before.  Something new to deal with for the new year?  When I heard the doctor say these words, the Lord quickly brought Proverbs 3:5-6 to my mind...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.

Then to hear that it might be progression with my MS...URGH!  I’ve never had pain before with my MS.  Why would I have it now?  Besides that I still have strength and with MS issues that leaves. The Lord quickly brought II Timothy 1:7 to my mind...

God did not give me a spirit that makes me afraid but He gives me a spirit of power, love and self-control.

If it’s MS, how will I deal with this pain?  To that question the Lord quickly brought Philippians 4:13 to my mind...

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

As we left the doctor’s office I was trying not to cry and actually didn’t for a couple hours.  I just was trying to process all that the doctor said.  I fully expected to go in and be told it was issues in my neck again and was totally taken back by what he said.  I tried to push what he said out of my mind and concentrate on the things we needed to accomplish while in Sandusky.

When we left the doctor, we made a visit to a lady in a nursing home close to the hospital.  As we were leaving I saw a lady sitting in the hallway who was crying.  I felt so bad for her so I told Doc to wait a minute.  I stopped, took her hands, prayed with her and told her “Jesus loves you.”  As I turned to walk away I heard, “I love you” come from her.  I hadn’t heard any words come from her until then.  What a gift the Lord gave me in that experience.  It encouraged my heart so much.  It was like He was telling me that no matter what is ahead for me in my physical body He will continue to use me as His servant.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for encouraging me through Your Word today, through the three little words from the lady at the nursing home and through the words from my husband when I finally broke down in tears.  Father, I praise Your Holy Name for all the ways You were so real to me today.  Beyond a shadow of a doubt I know that You are in control and will enable me to get through whatever is ahead.  Thank You Jesus for being My Strength.  Amen.

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