Saturday, May 13, 2023

Psalm 42 - "Praise You In This Storm"

The Lord directed me to Psalm 42 this morning. This Psalm was written by David at a time when he felt life was just too much. He was going through tough times one after another and feeling like he was sinking. Life can be challenging and can become overwhelming. What we must remember is God is there at all time to love us through such times. David knew God was there for him yet in the midst of troubles was struggling. That is what happens with all of us from time to time. We know in our minds God is there yet we struggle to stay focused on Him. We struggle in our flesh more when we are not spiritually sound with Him. People and/or circumstances will pull our focus off of Him easily when we are not prayed up. The tougher the circumstances we are going through the more we need to be in His Word, on our knees praying, seeking counsel from godly people, etc. The enemy is always looking for an open door to walk into our lives. He desires to play havoc by playing with our emotions, having people say/do things against us, etc. Once he has an open door it is hard to stop him other than full surrender to God's ways. Climbing out from under the enemy's ways is tough. It can be overwhelming yet not impossible. It is definitely not something we can do on our own strength but takes God's supernatural strength to be successful. Matthew Henry writes: 

When the soul rests on itself, it sinks; if it catches hold on the power and promise of God, the head is kept above the billows. And what is our support under present woes but this, that we shall have comfort in Him. We have great cause to mourn for sin; but being cast down springs from unbelief and a rebellious will; we should therefore strive and pray against it.

David wrote in verse five and repeated in verse eleven the key to staying strong in the Lord is found in having hope in Him. The enemy does not like when we praise God. He especially does not like when we praise Him through the storms of life. Some storms of life seem to last forever. They will calm down only to rear their ugly heads again. Some are more fierce than others but all cause challenges. I am reminded this morning of the song "Praise You In This Storm" that Casting Crowns sings...

And I'll praise you in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For you are who you are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise you in this storm

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the love You shower down upon me through these tough days! Thank You for Your supernatural strength that empowers me to not just get through them but to glorify You through them! Thank You for Scripture that encourages me to praise You no matter what is happening! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May people see/hear You through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. I pray Your supernatural strength over many going through 'storms of life' right now. My Momma, my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Marion; Cait; Rhonda; Mike; Norma Hall; Sharon Sebolt and her parents; some young ladies with anxiety; a young man out of rehab; Mary Lilley; a husband/father separated from his wife; Brooklyn; Kristen Batten; April; families in turmoil; Gay and Doug; Sherry; Mr John; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many dealing with ‘c’ and/or going through treatments…Audrey; Chrissy’s cousin; Shirley Jones; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Little Ivy; Little Judson; Little Roselynn; a young girl in our community; a lady whose breast cancer has returned; a lady diagnosed with stage two breast cancer; a lady diagnosed with throat cancer; Sue Danhoff’s husband Harv; Michele with breast cancer; Mr Mullett; and Damon. I pray for: the Long family; Becky; Russ; a couple contemplating divorce and another couple having serious issues; and Kaytlin’s husband. May You continue to be close to Andy and Sharon with the loss of their daughters. Thank You for continued healing for Pastor Tommy and Pam! Thank You for being My Storm Calmer! Amen.

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