Friday, March 14, 2014

James 1:26 - "Words"

Words…they can help you or they can hinder you.  I woke up singing "Words" this morning and began praying for one who I talked with yesterday that has been crushed by another one's words.  

Words can build you up 
Words can break you down 
Start a fire in your heart 
Or put it out 

This one has been broken by another's words.  I think what makes it even deeper of a hurt is that the words came from a family member.  Another part of the deepness is that the person who said the words is a believer.  How do you respond to the question, "How can a someone who claims to know the Lord say such things?"  First of all, we are all human.  We will make mistakes.  Another thing that my hubby told me last night when we were talking about the situation is that the one who claims to be a believer wasn't acting as a believer should nor were they acting as Christ would.  I am reminded of James 1:26.  If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. "Worthless"… the words that come out of our mouths are worthless if they aren't from the Lord.  Just think how many "worthless" words we say each day.  Not only are they worthless but if our words aren't from the Lord and we give the pretense that we live a life for the Lord then our words do more harm.  It tears down the Christian testimony.

I ask the Lord every day to give me His words and His attitude as I go throughout my day.  I don't want anyone to see me say or do something that would tear down the Christian testimony.  The part I have to work extra hard on is my reaction to people.  It's hard to not want to set the story straight when you have people saying things about you that aren't true.  It's also hard to not want to confront them.  I have to pray for the Lord's guidance on whether confrontation is the right road to take.  Doc reminded me yesterday of the need to set boundaries in our life so people can't hurt us through words or actions.  I must admit I'm still working on this. 

Dear Jesus,
I thank You for giving me the desire to have Your words and actions.  Father, I pray for this one who is so crushed over words of a family member.  Not only do I pray for healing in them but I also pray for them to seek Your guidance in the healing process.  Lord, I pray for this one who hurt them with their words.  I pray against the continued process of "hurting people hurt people."  I pray for a healing in them so they won't continue to hurt others with their words and actions.  I pray the words of this song over this situation.  "You can heal the heartache; Speak over the fear; God, your voice is the only thing; We need to hear."  Be their Healer, Lord.  I also, for myself, pray the words of this song over my life.  "Let my words be life; Let my words be truth; I don't want to say a word; Unless it points the world back to You."  Praise Your Holy Name…woo hoo!  Thank You Jesus for being My Words!  Amen.

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