Monday, April 1, 2019

Psalm 99 - "Build My Life"

God woke me to these words this morning and I started praising Him.

Holy there is no one like you 
There is none beside you 
Open up my eyes in wonder 
And show me who you are 
And fill me with your heart 
And lead me in love to those around me

Yes! This is exactly how I want to spend my day, with love flowing to all I meet. I was thinking about one of my steps I put on my Spiritual Formation goals with this song. I need to do better in showing God's love to Doc. It seems easier to be forgiving to others than to him. Sometimes I expect more from him than others. That is not what God has called me to do. He has called me to love everyone with His love. He took me to Psalm 99 this morning. It reminded me of some of the great examples from Scripture on how to live the life He sets before us. Moses, Aaron, and Samuel all prayed for God to direct them and He did. The followed Him even when it didn't make sense. Why? Because they wanted to live the life He desired of them. I want to do the same. I do not know where all He will take me but I do know I want to walk in obedience to Him. The neat thing about this type of life is I do not have to know. I do not have to know details until He reveals this to me. I do not have to have a ten step plan or a long-term plan unless that is what He gives me. Woo hoo! There is such freedom in holy living. He is holy. Therefore, I desire to be holy. I desire to be Christ-like because He has called me to be. I desire to live how He wants me but I must remember not everyone is where I am. Some are so much further ahead in their spiritual walk while others are not to this point. No matter where one is, God loves them. I desire to "Build My Life" on Him but not everyone does. He has called me to love on people no matter where they are in their spiritual walk. He has called me to show His love to all. Woo hoo! I just need to get better at doing it!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song and Scripture this morning! Thank You for the safety You have provided thus far on this trip and the safety You will provide today. Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me with more of Your love. Go before me and be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day in a new, different way. Thank You for giving me opportunities to love on people in an intentional way today. Thank You for being My Holy God! Amen.

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