Monday, April 29, 2019

Psalm 49 - "With Lifted Hands"

I woke up during the night with these words going through my mind...

With every heartbeat in my chest
Lord I surrender all that I have
The days yet to come
The days in the past
I'm giving you all I am
With lifted hands
With lifted hands

Oh how I pray for more people to get to the point in life where God is all they desire. I pray for those who are in relationship with Him to take the next step to live a life of surrender. I pray for those who do not know Him to find Him. I pray for more believers to share Him. I pray for His love to ooze out of me in a way that people will desire to live with Him living in them. I have such a burden for people to live as He desires but is it enough? I don't think it could ever be enough because there are times distractions get in our way and we miss opportunities He puts before us. This saddens me but it is the way life is. Oh how I don't want to miss any opportunities He puts before me. I don't want to allow anything to distract me from being who He desires me to be. God reminded me of the words of Psalm 49 this morning. We are all going to leave this earth either by death or by the Lord's return. We have the choice to make on whether we want to live for eternity with God or eternity with the enemy. If we are not living with God on this earth, we cannot expect to live with Him in heaven. If we are living a life for ourselves and enjoying the pleasures of this earth that the enemy offers, we will live with him for eternity. Living in hell does not sound like much fun. Oh sure the ways of the world may be 'fun' for the moment but if one stops and thinks about it, the 'fun' will not compare to the peace found with the Lord. His peace is found on this earth and it will be found in heaven. I am grateful for His love guiding my life while on this earth. I am grateful for the knowledge that I will spend the rest of my days with Him. Woo hoo! How is that possible? By surrendering "all that I have" and "With lifted hands"...woo hoo! What a way to live!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song and Scripture that You have put before me! Thank You for the peace You give even in the midst of the storms of life! Take my faith deeper as I depend upon You more! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing so people will see/hear You instead of me. Go before me today and be my words, actions, and attitude in a new, different way. I pray for wisdom for the doctor as Doc sees him today. I pray for relief from this pain he is experiencing. I pray for the week that is ahead that is packed full. Lord, please do not let me miss any opportunity You put before me to be You to others. Keep the enemy away from every circumstance. Father, I also pray for Dale who will be having tests this week; Carol's sister who is having a procedure this morning; Sandie who continues her battle; my cousin Ofie with all that is on his plate with family health issues; my friend Mike; a family with relationship issues; and my friend Billie with her battle. May You be greater than the mountains before them. Thank You Jesus for being My Eternity! Amen.

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