Saturday, May 28, 2016

Romans 15:32 - "You Are Loved"

The Lord woke me up with these song lyrics gong through my mind...

You are loved
If your heart's in a thousand pieces
If you're lost and you're far from reason
Just look up, know you are loved
Just look up, and know you are loved
When it feels like somethings missing
If it hurts but you can't find healing
Just look up, know you are loved
Just look up, know you are loved. ooh

Woo hoo! I am so thankful to Jesus for the reminder of His love! His love is what is getting me through all of the 'last times' of things. Yesterday was my 'last time' of going to get my Momma to bring her to Willard. It was also the 'last time' for shopping at Audrey's Attic. Last night was my 'last time' of meeting with the Willard Sunday School board. 'Last times' make me emotional and the Lord knows exactly what I need. He knows I was encouraged by the dear lady in Audrey's Attic who talked to me about Beaufort. He knows I was encouraged to find out of a couple Orrville people who live in Beaufort. He knows I was encouraged by the words of my Willard Naz family. He knows exactly what I need. I think that it why He gave me this song this morning. 

You dont have to prove yourself
Don't try to be someone else

These words are exactly what I needed to hear. I am who God created me to be. Yes that means I am emotional but if I cry then I must need to cry. If I miss an opportunity He puts before me, I am sorry and He forgives me. In my school writing yesterday I came upon the definition for 'opportunity' and found this: a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something” ( Yes! When God puts an opportunity before us, we have the choice of either accepting it which will please Him or rejecting it. When we reject an opportunity from God, I can't even imagine how He feels. When we reject it because of fear of the unknown, I think it makes Him sad that we do not have faith that He will enable us to accomplish it. I don't have to prove myself but I do need to be in relationship with Him so I know when He puts opportunities before me. I like this statement in one of my lectures this week. “God is looking for strong leaders who do not fear postmodernism but see it as perhaps the most incredible opportunity ever given by the hand of God” (Redmond). I am praying as He gives me opportunities I will know of them and accomplish them. I also am praying for my Willard Naz family who are being faced with many 'opportunities' right now. I pray they are listening to the Lord and not just doing something because no one else will but instead will do ministry because the Lord directs them that direction. I also am praying for my Beaufort Naz family as they await our arrival. I pray they will love on us with God's love in a way that will enable us during the time of transition to hear from the Lord. I pray we will bask in His presence and listen to Him with clarity. I am fearful in the chaos of these days that I will miss an 'opportunity' from the Lord and I don't want to do that. The desire of my heart is to live out Romans 15:32 as we go to Beaufort...

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for Romans 15 where You have encouraged me so greatly through the words of Paul. Thank You for loving me so greatly! Lord, may I be in tune to You today so I do not miss any opportunity You put before me. Fill me with more of You so I will know Your will. I continue to pray for a healing in Doc's neck...give him what he needs to be relieved of his pain. Father, thank You for this time with my Momma being here. Thank You for the safety on the roads yesterday. Thank You for the boxes that were picked up and packed yesterday. Thank You more items sold. Lord, thank You for continuing to be so very real in each and every step of this journey. Thank You Lord for being My Greatest Encourager. Amen.

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