Thursday, May 19, 2016

Proverbs 16:20 - "Diamonds"

The Lord woke me up singing these words from "Diamonds" sung by Hawk Nelson...

He's making diamonds, diamonds
Making diamonds out of dust
He is refining in his timing 
He's making diamonds out of us

Immediately I started praying for different people going through tough times...
  • the man having surgery this morning who doesn't have a personal relationship with the Lord
  • the woman who is feeling betrayed
  • the children who are being pulled from their home to be moved in Mommy and her boyfriend
  • the man who is struggling with the thought of his teen daughter moving in with her mother
  • the parents who are dealing with rebellion with their teen
  • the family whose love one is on life support in order to have organs harvested for transplant
  • the wife who continues to harbor bitterness against her ex-husband for his betrayal
  • the pastor who is feeling restless in his ministry
There are so many hurting people in my little world. My heart breaks for them but especially breaks for those who do not have a personal relationship with the Lord. They have no hope without Him. Their anger and bitterness grows deep seeds. When that happens, the enemy has a blast going deeper and deeper into their being. Actually, the enemy really enjoys when a believer allows anger and bitterness to take root. He sees that as an open door into them. We all have a choice to make. We can take the tough times and grow closer to the Lord or we can give the enemy an open door. God gave us the freedom for free choice for a reason. His desire is for us to grow closer to Him through trials instead of giving into the enemy. 

He took me back to Proverbs 16 and had me ponder on verse twenty. This verse cemented in my mind the idea that when we trust God through difficult times He will be our strength. He will guide our decisions. One of the most important things to remember is to be Jesus throughout the difficult times. Instead of allowing the enemy an open door by lashing out in anger we need to lash out in Jesus' love. That is easier said than done but is possible when we surrender to His will. We need to remember to have faith for the impossible not just the possible!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to pray for these ones today. Thank You for loving us so greatly that You bring people to our minds to pray for. Thank You for yesterday for the day of prayer for my NCO family. Lord, bless all of the prayers that went up for NCO yesterday. Heal hurts in those who are on ones that need loved on in a mighty ears and hearts so when You speak people will hear. Father, today is a new day ahead. I pray for an abundance of You to ooze out of me. I'm not sure where You will take me today or to whom I will touch but I pray whoever sees or hears me will know You are in me. Fill me to overflowing with more of You. Father, I pray an enriching in Doc's being today. I pray for better blood work results for his physical body. I pray for refinement in his thoughts as he completes the sermon You have placed on his heart. I pray for energy in his body and spirit. Lord, bless him in abundance as he ministers this morning at the hospital. Give him boldness in his words. Thank You Jesus for being The One We Trust. Amen.

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