Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Proverbs 31:25 - "Already There"

I woke up this morning singing a song Casting Crowns sings...

One day I'll stand before You
And look back on the life I've lived
‘Cause You're already there
You're already there
When I'm lost in the mystery
To You my future is a memory
‘Cause You're already there
You're already there
Standing at the end of my life
Waiting on the other side
And You're already there
You're already there

These days are very tiring to both my physical and my emotional being. I am so thankful for the reminder this morning that God is in control and He knows everything that is before me. I am grateful for the reminder that I do not have to worry about 'getting everything done' because when I stay living in His presence He will direct me to accomplish what He desires of me...nothing more, nothing less. Wow! I go back once again to the verse He gave me through Doc's sermon Sunday, Proverbs 31:25...

Dear Jesus,
I praise Your Holy Name for the way You know exactly what I need before I even need it. You are so awesome. Lord, I pray I was a blessing to You yesterday. I pray I spoke Your words and was Jesus to people. I pray the same for today. Lord, I think of the words You gave me a few weeks ago as I was praying for our church body. 'May it be so...' Lord, I pray this will be how my day is today. I pray You will be blessed through my words and actions. Fill me to overflowing with more of You so people will see and hear You not me. Lord, I thank You for Sharon coming yesterday and for all that was accomplished with packing. I thank You for the words of encouragement You provided through her. Bless her Lord in abundance. Father, a new day is ahead and as the song says "You're already there..." Woo hoo! That is comforting to ponder upon! Thank You for being My Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Amen.

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