Monday, May 16, 2016

Matthew 5:6 - "More Of You"

My first thought this morning was "I can't do this" and the Lord quickly reminded me "Yes you can, on My strength not Your own." Alrighty is a day even a 'normal' person would cringe at but with being physically, mentally and emotionally drained I am nowhere close to 'normal'! I am grateful for my friend who prayed over me last night and for my new friends who called us. The Lord knows what we need and He provides. I am grateful for Doc's sermon yesterday for Pentecost. It was exciting to have 25+ people seeking sanctification. It was also exciting when I heard the story of what happened in the men's Sunday school class. It was definitely a sign from the Holy Spirit for the container of forks to crash right at the moment Doc was telling them in order for even a saved person to be at peace they must surrender to the Lord and be sanctified. The Spirit was so real in the service yesterday. As Doc said, that is one of the reasons it is hard to leave. It is as though the Holy Spirit got ahold of people which in turn made a milestone in the church and now we are called to leave. The bold faith Doc preached about yesterday is where we are living. But I never want to stop where we are. I want to go even deeper. I pray for my Willard church family to continue what the Holy Spirit has started. I pray for my Beaufort church family to be hungry for more. I feel like I am living on a teeter-toter. I am praying and loving on people in both churches. I look to the past and reflect upon all the ways we did life with our Willard family and am blessed. I look to the future and dream of ways we will do life with our Beaufort family and am blessed. But in the midst of reflection and dreaming I have to do life in the moment and that is where it is hard. School, last meetings to wrap-up ministries, packing, time to meet with friends for 'one more time,' garage sale, last doctor appointments here....the list goes on and on yet I struggle with energy, crying and thinking. Someone told me the other day "this too shall pass"....praise God for that reminder! When we get moved, I may 'die' for a few days just to get caught back up. I am so grateful for the healing in my body that enables me to do what I am doing. God is so good! I am also grateful for the way the Lord continues to open doors which confirm this step of faith. As fears start to creep into my mind, I am reminded of a quote by Bernadette Devlin....

The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you. To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else.

I praise His Holy Name for this truth. I also praise His Holy Name for a godly husband who listens to God and leads me down the same path. In his sermon yesterday Doc said something about how when you look into someone's eyes, you know their heart. He continued that when we focus on Jesus we will know what. He desires of us. That is so true. The deeper my walk goes with Him, the more I hear from Him and know His will. Last night my friend shared how her co-worker made mention that she is crying out to the Lord more throughout the day. This co-worker is not a believer but I pray she will see Jesus in my friend and one day soon realize she needs him in her life. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for yesterday...for today...and for tomorrow! Thank You for Your strength You provide in abundance! Thank You for friends who listen when You send them to encourage me! Thank You for giving me a hunger and thirst for more of You! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for blessing me so greatly! Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that is at work in many lives in the Willard Church. Father, today is a day full of traveling many miles and seeing many people. Would You please fill me with more of You so people see and hear You through me? Would You give me an abundance of Your love that will ooze out of me for people? Give me boldness in all I do. Thank You Jesus for being My More! Amen.

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