Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Matthew 5:6 - "Clean"

The Lord woke me with these words this morning to a song that Natalie Grant sings....

There's nothing too dirty that You can't make worthy
You wash me in mercy
I am clean.
There's nothing too dirty that You can't make worthy
You wash me in mercy
I am clean.

Washed in the blood of Your sacrifice
Your blood flowed red and made me white
My dirty rags are purified
I am clean

Wow! What a blessing for this reminder!  His love, mercy and grace are the only thing that can cleanse us. If it were not for Jesus dying on the cross, our cleansing could not happen. I love the words "My dirty rags are purified..." Yes! He purifies us! He cleanses us! He makes us whole! Woo hoo! I was so thankful yesterday for the words from Dr. Berke when I thanked him for all he has done for me over the last twenty-two years. "Thank you for all you have done for me!" I am not sure of what those words meant but I do know many times he has told me my faith is what gets me through tough times with MS. He has watched me come through some pretty tough times leaning on the Lord's strength. I believe that is where his statement came from. There's richness in his statement as he is a Jew. I pray my life will continue to effect his life as he reflects back on our time together. I am so grateful for the way the Lord uses me for His purposes. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace that enables me to be a tool for You to use as You desire. Thank You for all that Dr. Berke has done for me over these years. I pray You will go before me and direct me to my new neurologist. I also pray for my blood count to increase so there would not be anything that would have to be done. But if Your will is to have it that way to reveal something, so be it. Lord I am tired in my physical and emotional body and the day ahead is full. Would You give me an added dose of You to accomplish what You desire of me? Would You fill me to overflowing with You so I do not get crabby in my tiredness? Would You crank up my joy so I can live this day in a good attitude? I guess I am asking a lot but I know nothing is impossible with You! Thank You for being The One To Clean Me! Amen.

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