Monday, September 30, 2013

II Corinthians 3:17-18 - Freedom

It was such a busy weekend.  Saturday was full from start to finish with breakfast with friends, a hospital visit, two birthday parties....makes me tired just thinking about it.  Sunday wasn't a typical Sunday with me being called to the hospital twice for people in the ER who were transferred by Life Flight and Doc having practice with two bands after church.  Needless to say there wasn't much time at home.  So this morning Mordecei refuses to lay at my feet and instead is laying right beside me.  There's barely enough room for the two of us to lay side by side on this couch.  His insistence on being close to me is endearing.  He misses me when I'm not at home.  He misses me when I don't give him my attention.  

It made me think about how much God misses us when we don't give Him our attention.  God's love is unconditional.  He loves us whether we spend time with Him or not.  But when we spend time with Him our love for Him deepens.  The more I am in His Presence, the more I desire of Him.  Woo hoo!  The more I am in communication with the Lord the more natural it feels.  Talking to the Lord throughout the day is my norm now.  I remember when I struggled to know what to pray.  I am now blessed with the knowledge that all I have to do is talk to Him just as if He were sitting here with me.  Woo hoo!  What freedom there is in being close to the Lord.  Some people think there are too many rules or regulations to having a relationship with the Lord but not me.  I see it as freeing.  No longer do I have to worry about what I am doing or who I am pleasing because He is the only One that needs pleased.  The desire of my heart is to be in communion with Him 24/7.  I want to hear what He has to say to me. I want to know what He wants of me.  I am so grateful for the opportunities He puts before me to be Him to others.  To be able to love on people who I don't know or people who are unlovable is a gift He has given me.  To be able to share Him with people who don't know Him is the ultimate gift.  

II Corinthians 3 reads...

17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

These words are exciting!  When we believe in the Lord, we are "...transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory..."  Woo hoo!  That is exciting.  The deeper we go in our relationship with Him, the more we will receive of Him.  When we allow His Spirit control, the freedom will come in abundance!  We can't just give Him part but rather have to give Him total control of all of our being.  No longer do we have to worry about who we are pleasing.  No longer do we have to worry about our finances.  No longer do we have to worry about our schedule.  When He has free reign, we will receive the freedom that comes with it.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for our relationship.  Lord, I'm sorry when there are times I allow the distractions of this world to get between us.  I pray for all believers to come into a full relationship with You so they may know the freedom it brings.  Thank You Jesus for the one who came to know You through my words yesterday.  Thank You for the opportunities You gave me yesterday to be You to so many.  Father, I pray for this new week.  There are full days and now a funeral thrown into the mix.  Lord, please do not allow me to get distraction to the point where I miss what You want of me.  Thank You for where You have me in my life at this moment.  You are blessing me in abundance and for that I am thankful.  Father, thank You for being My Glory!  Amen.

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